Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

Well done carrera, if enough of these letters go in, they'll probably get fed up of hearing from us all and just add it to the next amendment anyway :lol: , there's unlikely to be any real opposition to stop it :unsure:

Sandra: Naming and shaming can't happen, PFK daren't do it due to the possible legal implications and I'm sure William wouldn't allow it on here for the same reasons, though I'm sure we all would like to it's just not possible unless you want to pay lawyers ;)


That is a shame we cant just list the fish shops that stock painted fish as a topical point for interested fish keepers, surely this would just be a research listing? In much the same way we would list good marine, tropical suppliers? However it is a shame that listing could cause such fear! when it may eliviate the suffering of fish! and yes i have seen them with my own eyes and it is not a pretty sight more clown like than artistic if people want art go to an art gallery!!! or buy a bit of china.

Anyone who has seen even pictures of these fish let alone actually seen them can only find it disturbing.

However i will take your views on board and i will not name and shame, on this forum.
I have just returned to fish keeping after a long absence and was appalled to see that this practice was stillcontinuing. I have copied and pasted the email (It may be a little late but we must keep trying). As an aside I was asked to leave a Pet shop this morning when I calmly told a parent that the fish that she was thinking of buying for her daughter was not natural and in fact had suffered to get to the store. The Owner gotvery nasty so there are possibly more skeltons in that store I have reported it to the RSPCA. Its at times like that in which I am glad that I am a 6ft tall Ex-Tight head prop :D
i sent mine an email, that sounds horrific. should be banned and everyone should support it
If every MP in the UK receives one of these letters then hopefully one of them will stand up to it and convince the others. I just hope that enough people complain. We should try to get people on other forums to do the same as us to stop this barbaric dyeing!
yeah it's proper sick aint it.

there's a fish shop just down the road from me, I only ever use it for equipment/food etc if I haven't time to get to any of the decent fish shops further away from mine after buying some poorly angels from there that completely nuked my tank :no:

went in today and they had some dyed gourami's, it said they were honey but they were a really really bright red, completely un natural and looked awful, they also had some barbs in fluro pink and green too, I don't pretend to be an expert in either species so I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure they were dyed.

they also had dead fish lying there in virtually every tank, one tank every thing in it was dead, i got quite upset over it all.

I can understand the comments on not naming and shaming on forums etc but there really should be something we can do about shops like this.
I wrote to my mp and got two replis hope they listen


I got a letter Friday from my mp saying that he is goin to pass my inforamtion on and get back to me
Hey guys,

Just received a second letter from my local MP. Enclosed was a letter addressed to him from Ben Bradshaw of DEFRA.

I will type up the letter at a later time, but the general gist of the letter is that the Animal Welfare Bill that is being passed through parliament at the moment will place onto any owner or keeper a duty to ensure the animals welfare. It will also prohibit the mutilation of an animal other than for medical treatment, and dyeing a fish by injection or tattoo would constitute mutilation, however, feeding dyed food is not classed as mutilation.

Reading this, it seems that until now, it has not been illegal to dye fish in this country, contrary to what we thought at the start of this thread.

I shall type up the entire letter some point next week...watch this space!

A letter has been despatched to my MP -w will see what response it brings. There are also a number of divers out there who anjoy watching fish (I am one of them) who are probably not aware of this issue. So, a letter has been sent to one of the diving magazines about it and giving links to the on-line petition at:


Every little helps.......
wohh no way came home like 5 mins ago and found a real posh looking letter from the house of commons addressed to me
opened it up and lo behold
May 16th 2006
Dear Mr Jarvest,
I have received a reply from DEFRA, which I enclose.
This highlights an inherent problem with the EU it enables many good an important things to happen but it also creates rather pointless rigidities such as this. It would not undermine the benefits of Community membership if there was some discretion granted to member states on matters like this.
I am sorry.
With best wishes Yours sincerely

Nobel House 17 Smith Square London SW1P3JR
Telephone 08459 335577 Email [email protected] Website www.defra.gov.uk

Mark Fisher MP
House of Commons
London Our ref: 242976/FM
SW1AOAA 8 May 2006
From the Minister for Local Environment, Marine and Animal Welfare
Ben Bradshaw MP
Thank you for your letter of 13 March enclosing an e-mail from your constituent Mr Luke Jarvest, regarding dyed fish sales in the UK.
You may be aware that Defra published the Animal Welfare Bill last year which is now being considered by Parliament. The practice of dyeing fish will be dealt with under regulations under the Bill. Up-to-date information on this and other issues relating to animal health and welfare can be found in the Defra website for: www.defra.gov.uk.
The specific rules for the import of different species of animal are complex and varied. Most animal health import rules are set by the European Union and are common for all Member States. The rules are specific to each animal species and vary depending on the purpose of the import.
Unfortunately, the UK Government cannot unilaterally declare a trade ban on imports of dyed fish if the trade is allowed under EU law. To declare such a ban would contravene free trade rules and be illegal under EU law. If the UK attempted to enact such a ban, it would be liable to infraction proceedings by the EU Commission. The UK Government can only declare a ban if the matter concerns animal health and welfare or human health and welfare.
With best wishes,

wow what a reply
Yep, I've just had the same thing :nod:

I think if enough people keep the pressure up, DEFRA may take it seriously and push it through as an amendment once the original bill is in force :unsure:

It was also nice to see that Ben Bradshaw (or rather his poor secretary no doubt) is personalising the letters, not only to the MP but also referring to the constituant too.

Keep up the good work people :good:

It was also nice to see that Ben Bradshaw (or rather his poor secretary no doubt) is personalising the letters, not only to the MP but also referring to the constituant too.

XD was alittle shocked at the effort it was all posh like for a likkle old boy like me lol it was on yellow card/thick paper itts the same stuff we are at the moment boing for our C.vs at high school so its now with my fish stuff
It took a few weeks but I had a response today. I will type it verbatim as I dont have a scanner.

Dear Mr Hartfield

Thank you for your recent email regarding dyeing fish.

I can confirm that the Department of the Environment Food and Rural Affairs has stated that the recently passed animal welfare act will make it illegal to dye fish using certain techniques in the UK. This includes tattooing. which would be considered a mutilation and therfore banned under section 5 of the act.

DEFRA has confirmed that there are currently no plans to ban the import of dyed fish, which will therefore continue to be in sale in the UK. The department may reconsider this position during the public consultation on future regulations covering the pet trade. I do believe it wrong that we should allow such imports to continue, and I will do what I can to ensure that the issue is brought to the Departments attention during the consultation.

DEFRA has no current plans to ban other techniques not involving the physical interference with body tissues, such as feeding of certain foods. I understand, however, that the publication Practical Fishkeeping has been campaigning to restrict the sale of artificially dyed fish for a number of years. Their postion is that although they concede that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that such dyes are a welfare issue, they would "rather see naturally coloured species on sale". I would certainly concour with this view.

I hope this provides some reassurance to you, and recent measures are just the first step in tackiling this issue. Please do not hesistate to cantact me if there are any further issues you would like to bring to my attention.

Yours Sincerely

Kerry McCarthy MP

So although it may not be all that we want it is certainly getting closer to a ban we just have to keep the pressure on
It took a few weeks but I had a response today. I will type it verbatim as I dont have a scanner.

Dear Mr Hartfield

Thank you for your recent email regarding dyeing fish.

I can confirm that the Department of the Environment Food and Rural Affairs has stated that the recently passed animal welfare act will make it illegal to dye fish using certain techniques in the UK. This includes tattooing. which would be considered a mutilation and therfore banned under section 5 of the act.

DEFRA has confirmed that there are currently no plans to ban the import of dyed fish, which will therefore continue to be in sale in the UK. The department may reconsider this position during the public consultation on future regulations covering the pet trade. I do believe it wrong that we should allow such imports to continue, and I will do what I can to ensure that the issue is brought to the Departments attention during the consultation.

DEFRA has no current plans to ban other techniques not involving the physical interference with body tissues, such as feeding of certain foods. I understand, however, that the publication Practical Fishkeeping has been campaigning to restrict the sale of artificially dyed fish for a number of years. Their postion is that although they concede that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that such dyes are a welfare issue, they would "rather see naturally coloured species on sale". I would certainly concour with this view.

I hope this provides some reassurance to you, and recent measures are just the first step in tackiling this issue. Please do not hesistate to cantact me if there are any further issues you would like to bring to my attention.

Yours Sincerely

Kerry McCarthy MP

So although it may not be all that we want it is certainly getting closer to a ban we just have to keep the pressure on
I have had the same letter twice so i think maybe we are being phobed Off oh well we tried

OMG thats horrid. I'm setting up my first tank ( 1st proper tank anyway ) and I'm going to be getting tropical fish for a few years before I go onto Marine fish. Obviously Marine fish are usually a lot more colorful and usually pretty and so I was trying to find somewhere in these forums to ask the question > "What are the best looking/prettiest/most colorful Tropical fish??"

That dying process is disgusting and shows how damn selfish us humans can be. Is there anywhere on the internet that you know of that shows how fish NATURALLY look so that we can all stay clear of buying these poor fish? As I'm looking for fish based largely on looks, I think its probable that people like myself are more likely to unknowingly purchase these poor chaps.

Wouldn't it be good if we could watch animal abusers getting EATEN! :hyper:

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