Very Bloated Mollies


New Member
Mar 24, 2006
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uk kent
two of my three mollies are very bloated they look like there goin to pop, they eat fine and swim no different.
Are they pregnet, i thought all my mollies are female, can a guppy make them pregs.
Do they lay eggs.?????
She has had babies before and i have them serparated now in two tanks 1 for male and female, 5 males and 10 females about 1month ago GOOD GIRL
they may be bloated what do you feed them?
if all your mollies are female then maybe the guppies and mollies crossbred but i've only heard of this happening haven't seen any pics.
no they don't lay eggs they give birth to live fry.
as for your guppy she's probably pregnant again. they can store sperm for when they need it.
hope all your babies survive.
they may be bloated what do you feed them?
if all your mollies are female then maybe the guppies and mollies crossbred but i've only heard of this happening haven't seen any pics.
no they don't lay eggs they give birth to live fry.
as for your guppy she's probably pregnant again. they can store sperm for when they need it.
hope all your babies survive.
I feed them a varirty every other day, some times flakes, bloodworm, algee tablets, live shrimp things
Well the babies i have not lost one yet and there starting to show colour and patterns, Do guppies have colour or are they died???
Anyway thanks for you help, should i put the mollies in a seprate tank or breeder for a while and see. they are hudge

this is the mollie pic and the preg guppie, i think all 3 of my guppie are preg

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a>

no to your question guppies are not dyed. well they could be dyed put there's no need, their just bred for their colours and i've never seen a dyed guppy.

that yellow guppy in the one pic is pregnant, you can tell buy the black mark where the wall of (the names escaped me atm) something in her stomach is streching to produce fry.

i wouldn't put them in the breeder trap myself but it's up to you. i also can't really tell if their pregnant from those pics
Losing colour can be a number of things from stress, illness, bad water quality, can we take a look at your stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
The mollies look pregnant to me, female livebearers (i.e. guppys, mollys, platys, swordtails, endlers etc) all give birth to fully developed fry and not eggs, the adult females can store sperm in them meaning they can get pregnant without the presence of a male in the tank if they have coupled with one at least once before in the past, they can have up to 7 pregnancys.
Personally i would just let the fish give birth in their own accord in the tank, breeding nets are too small for fish like mollys, only really able to fit a single platy or guppy in and even so just for a couple of days tops- they are used for raising fry/baby fish in more than anything else now days. Also, if you try and save every fry you will be soon over-run with them ;) .
Breeding nets are stressful for adult fish and are only advised in the situation where a mother/pregnant fish is being harrased/bullied by other fish before giving birth or in the days leading up to it.

But just to be on the safe side, do you have any recent stats/test results for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates like Wilder asked?

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