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  1. J

    Need Opinions On Tail Type

    VT with some CT.
  2. J

    Betta Breeders

    I'm no betta breeder, but there is an awfully abundant source of plastic cups under the Wal-Mart fish section's storage thingy. But I'm a clepto.
  3. J

    Lfs Bettas

    Make a scene, people! Ask to speak to the manager and threaten to speak with a higher authority. Get a FREE betta; don't buy it. It's what I had to do when PetCo put a betta in a 10 gal. with about 4 fantail goldfish. The poor thing didn't have a tail, and when I say "didn't have a tail," I...
  4. J

    More Ct

    Oooh, the third one is nice, however, my fav is still the other blue crowntail you posted.
  5. J

    Blue Mg Ct Dr

    OH MY, now that one, I really love.
  6. J

    Grow Out Tank..

    I think 20 gal.
  7. J

    Lost Another Betta

    Have you been spraying air fresheners or perfume by chance?
  8. J

    Betta Bulbs

    I have the exact kind. Oddly the package doesn't show what kind of plant is grown. Mine looks like yours. Later the leaves will become all wavy-like. I asked someone in the plants section, and I think they positively identified is as. . . something. You can always go back and try to find my...
  9. J

    How To Euthanize... :(

    I would use clove oil. Even though steelhealr is saying it's not acceptable according to whoever.
  10. J

    How To Euthanize... :(

    Oh please, just read what you've typed. Don't dis my grammar and sentence structure. I've read over my entire post and am positive even a retard can decipher what I have typed. 'Cept for you it seems.
  11. J

    New To Fish And My First Beta

    He's lovely. I'm not really sure what it could be if it is something. One of my girls was all peach colored and then a few specs here and there appeared, but I believe it's just some more color coming in. And they tend to loose some color if they're stressed. I stick mine next to a mirror...
  12. J

    Help Me :[

    Rest in peace, little fishie.
  13. J

    Help Me :[

    The whole thread has ways to euthanize a fish. It just depends on how you think you should do it. Hopefully you won't choose to flush it down the loo or boiling.It's a touchy subject.
  14. J

    Help Me :[

    If you believe there is absoutely no way to cure him , I would use the clove oil method, although others disagree. But I believe it is the best method. Just read what bloozoo2 posted.
  15. J

    How To Euthanize... :(

    (Learn to read, Monte.) I think if you found her symptoms earlier like you should have, she may have survived, but whatever. She could have got them from other fish you failed to quarrantine for instance. I don't know. And another quote. (Learn to read, Monte.) On its way, Monte, on its...
  16. J

    Fish At Last !

    Awww. . . I wish I had the money to purchase a guppie tank. I'm envious. I will. . . secretly. . . steal it. :shifty: By the way, GNR - AWESOME! One of my bettas' name is Axl Rose. What a hottie! Still!
  17. J

    How To Euthanize... :(

    Well, first off, I would say shame on you for leaving her in such horrible water conditions or however she got the diseases. And secondly, don't boil. That's the most retarded way I have heard of. Ever. You're fish is on its way to be cooked pretty much. Disgusting.
  18. J

    2.5 Gallon For Betta Can Anything Else Go In There

    Ghost shrimp, but bettas have a habit of sometimes eating them. And also, they need iodine to thrive, which shouldn't be in a betta's water. I personally do not like them 'cause they look uggggly. And I do believe there is a type of snail that do not require another snail to make babeahs. I...
  19. J

    Holy Mother Of Pearl!

    Yeah, she's way too clever and mischevious, which is an absoutely horrible combination. Has the best personality I've ever seen though.
  20. J

    Yay, We Have A Bubble Nest..

    I have no clue what you're talking about. Even for pictures, they shouldn't be together.
  21. J

    How To Euthanize... :(

    Throwing a fish against the wall may be one of the most effective methods to euthanize a fish, but some people who truely, truely love their fish simply cannot do it. I'm not saying that the people who use this method don't love their fish, but. . . . It may be a humaine way, but really not a...
  22. J

    Yay, We Have A Bubble Nest..

    Never put a male and female together unless you're breeding them. It seems you're trying but just not doing it right. First, the male has to make the entire bubblenest, and THEN the female can be released into the tank when she is full of eggs, of course. Separte them until they are ready.
  23. J

    Holy Mother Of Pearl!

    Lets see ya scare meh now, fishie. :sly:
  24. Fishies_037.jpg


  25. J

    How Would You Describe This Fin Pattern?

    Multicolor veiltail.
  26. J

    Do You Guys Think It's Cruel To Keep A Betta In A 1 Gal.?

    Mine seem really happy in theirs. My girl is always cheerful and swimming around like a damn bullet, and my guy has blown a bubble nest that covers half the top of the tank. But if they seem happy, I guess it's okay, right?
  27. J

    Holy Mother Of Pearl!

    That's so odd. After mine got a thrill out of watching me be all frantic-like, she did this at least another 4 times. I don't know why; there's not really any room for her.
  28. J

    Holy Mother Of Pearl!

    A dollface? Yes. A curious lets-scare-the-crap-out-of-Jaclyn? That too.
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  31. J

    Holy Mother Of Pearl!

    I happened to look over, and Lady Peaches was nowhere to be found! I thought surely she had jumped out of the small feeding opening. I wiggled the tank around, not believing that she was really gone, and out she pops! A hole where the bubble tube and the air stone is supposed to go doesn't...
  32. J

    How Do You Name Your Bettas?

    Lady Peaches was named so because she's peach and a little lady. And Axl Rose is named so because he's big and sexy like. . . Axl Rose. :wub: What a dreamboat!
  33. J

    Tail Missing!

    Well, the fish should be in a quarantine tank with salt. Shouldn't be kept with cories if it did happen to have a disease.
  34. J

    Male Ct With Colmunaris

    :X Oh my word, I would kill that cat. Sorry about your fishie.
  35. J

    Alge Bloom During Cycleing

    Keep it out of sunlight and maybe get a better filter.
  36. J

    Sick Betta

    Did you wash what you're keeping them in thourghly? Or use any soap on them at one point that may not have washed off completely? I remember I bought a bowl for a new, absoutely adorable betta, and rinsed the bowl out with water, but unfortunely, not enough. After she died, I placed another...
  37. J

    How Does Your Betta Sleep?

    Yeah, the calcium in the shell raises the pH, but my tap water pH is low. I keep an eye on it.
  38. J

    How Does Your Betta Sleep?

    I put a shell in my male's tank, and he's been sleeping in it all curled up. It's cute. :wub:
  39. J

    How Does Your Betta Sleep?

    This is Lady Peaches sleeping. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't she cambodian?
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