Holy Mother Of Pearl!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2005
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I happened to look over, and Lady Peaches was nowhere to be found! I thought surely she had jumped out of the small feeding opening. I wiggled the tank around, not believing that she was really gone, and out she pops! A hole where the bubble tube and the air stone is supposed to go doesn't have a bubble tube or anything to block the hole, so off she went exploring the cave below.

She's done it twice already, if she does it again, I'll try to get a picture. Got the pictures! :hyper:

That's a great shot. She looks like she's getting absolute pleasure from tormenting you.
I think that our fish have like telecomunications or something cause I turned my air pump off and took it out of the tank and like 5 min later I went to go put the lid back on and Im like Wtf is he?! I looked everywhere, I thought too that he jumped out I even woke up my BF and was like "Ithink my fish played houdini on me, or something cause he is not in his tank." I almost had a heart attack looking for him cause for one I love m fishie and 2 i dont want to clean up a dead fish off my floor. My heart still hurts. And then I thought of your post that I just read not too long ago and then I looked through the 5inch long tube and there he is beneath all of the stones in the lil compartment underneath. I think that I have to thank you for saving my fishies life. :thumbs: :flowers: I took that out of there cause I dont think That I can handle that again. Phewph!

Thank you so much
I hate it when you cant see them! Mine usually swim up when I act as if I am going to feed them! Apart from if they really are dead they dont then! :blink: I have got a lone platy baby and I look for him for ages and he is so tiny he is usually straight in front of me going feed me feed me! :lol:
I think that our fish have like telecomunications or something cause I turned my air pump off and took it out of the tank and like 5 min later I went to go put the lid back on and Im like Wtf is he?! I looked everywhere, I thought too that he jumped out I even woke up my BF and was like "Ithink my fish played houdini on me, or something cause he is not in his tank." I almost had a heart attack looking for him cause for one I love m fishie and 2 i dont want to clean up a dead fish off my floor. My heart still hurts. And then I thought of your post that I just read not too long ago and then I looked through the 5inch long tube and there he is beneath all of the stones in the lil compartment underneath. I think that I have to thank you for saving my fishies life. :thumbs: :flowers: I took that out of there cause I dont think That I can handle that again. Phewph!

Thank you so much
That's so odd. After mine got a thrill out of watching me be all frantic-like, she did this at least another 4 times. I don't know why; there's not really any room for her.
Lets see ya scare meh now, fishie. :sly:

You know she's just going to remove the plant right? She's not stupid. :rolleyes: Or, she'll find another worse way to scare the poopy out of you! She has the taste for it already, it's in her brain. No getting out of it. :lol:

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