How Does Your Betta Sleep?

I put a shell in my male's tank, and he's been sleeping in it all curled up. It's cute. :wub:
Is it a real sea shell?!?!?!

If it's a real shell, that's dangerous. Sea shells can drastically change the water chemistry and raise the pH. I've read stories about bettas dying the day after a shells have been added to their tank.
Yeah, the calcium in the shell raises the pH, but my tap water pH is low. I keep an eye on it.
Mustang sleeps mostly vertical on a silk leaf. The girls sleep in various spots on the bottom of the tank. The other males tend to sleep in their caves.
Shyboy - in his cave
Pitaya - on top of one of her plants
Innoby - dangling at the surface
Shokora - on the bubble strip, oddly enough
Jeff Klee - on the really BIG plant
Clarence - bottom right corner
Matamoras - in his cave
Unnamed (new guy) - behind his cave
Who was the person who posted a pic of hers sleeping on its side on a cord of some kind? TOO FUNNY!!
One of mine sleeps on a flat spot where the heater meets the side of the tank. He had a frog for awhile that he really seemed to like. They'd sleep together in the coconut hut.
My old old guy sleeps with his tail on the bottom so he's pointing up right at the surface. You swear he's half-dead but then he turns around all cheery, bright eyed, saying hello and wanting to eat. Go figure.
Akela sleeps in the back, behind her Java Fern.

Siam sleeps right in the middle of his plant. xP

Fuse sleeps in his pot.

and Kale sleeps right next to his heater. :rolleyes: *points to avatar* He's not asleep there, but that's usually his spot. Sometimes the little beast even wraps himself around it.
Manny sleeps on a leaf of his java fern


Bernard sleeps on his belly on his gravel, and my old boy Zoot sleeps on his heater.

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