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  1. M

    white fungus growing on cardinal tetra...

    well i know they are sensative to water conditions but am i supose to get put aquarium salt to heal it? i have no seperate tank so i guess i have to use a container. cant put salt in my tank as i have a pleco and cories... what do i do? help!
  2. M

    Never again!!

    yes. some people keep buying fish from there because of sympathy... well if you guys dont then obviously they may decide to change policies to get the sales. long term it should be good for the fish
  3. M

    your betta's name

    i had one a day or two and names it mortis, the one i got now is called chaos
  4. M

    On-going guppy problems

    mine survived during temperatures of 90f although it was prob abit more but that was the highest my thermometer scale went. are you sure that your friend didnt actually do anything wrong that killed them? other people that i know of who have fish didnt lose any pets... sorry about your fish
  5. M

    Rescued 2 more betta boys

    nice of you to save them two. but after reading many posts in this betta section alot of the ones bought from wal mart or big corporate stores were done on sympathy... could this be what is actually making the stores still sell them as poeple like you who want to give good homes to poor fish...
  6. M

    What is your favorite color betta??

    i voted red as my bold but kool betta is red. named him chaos foe his aggressiveness but he is wicked. havent seen any other colours apart from red and purple really... sure others will look nice too
  7. M

    whats the best tropical fish book out?

    plz help on what book you have and what is rated highly amongst fish owners... links to sites that sell or any other description would be helpful.
  8. M

    are bettas suppose to be very individual?

    well i may have read that some bettas prefer to be alone, but i only have one tank and put it amongst other fishes... its only been here for 3 days and still stays in the plants. the same thing happened with my male swordtail where he would only stay in plants, but he now swim everywhere :) btw...
  9. M

    No wonder he's fat

    fotm nomination, he's funny and cool
  10. M

    How many fish in a 20g?

    can i ask why then does my lfs not use the same theory of 1 inch per fish? they have loads in their tanks and said i could have 30 live bearers (same size as the ones in the shop)! my tank is only 15 galons btw...
  11. M

    betta colors

    just got one today and it is dark blue with a lil hint of red on its tail near the body. the shop had no other colours and i wanted a red one. my local pet shop keeps the bettas in a bag in the community tank so its very shy and seems not o like swimming as it just relaxed on the bag before i...
  12. M

    How many fish do you have?

    i now have 5 cardinal tetras, 1 bettas (really shy) 1 more female guppy, 1 female mollie to the tank.
  13. M

    my new cardinal tetra

    the nitrite is 0.3 ph 8 gh 23 kh 14 soz i have a crap test kit and therefore cant get any more details. i put the tetra in a net and its still in the tank but can not move still although its still breathing. the other 5 are still alive btw so i doubt its the water conditions (i am aware...
  14. M

    my new cardinal tetra

    well i just bought it and wen i put it in the water it kinda didnt move, it still moves the fins and breathes but floats around unside down or anywhere because it doesnt have control. is it paralysed or will it be able to come back to how it was? i am thinking it got squashed in the bag...
  15. M

    How many fish do you have?

    i have 2 mollies, 3 swordtails, 2 guppies, 2 angels, 3 platies, 1 red tail shark, 1 pleco (not sure what one) 2 cories (not sure what ones). will add a bettas tomrow which i really look forward too although pretty scared it might kill other fishes... my tank is really small but as i have only...
  16. M

    2 New Fish!

    i got new fish today too, 3 platies, 2 lil cories, 1 pleco, 1 female swordtail and 1 red tail shark. happy too mate. yea someone adviced me to get ottos too, great fish i suppose.
  17. M


    have you got alot of lighting on? my algae grow pretty fast as i have the light on for atleast 12 hours a day...
  18. M

    does anyone have guppyes?

    i am with kossy, guppies are cheap and using pufferpacks for food is probably offensive. you cant be that poor that you can not pay for a few guppies??? and i expect puffer to pay for shipping etc? lol what a joke
  19. M

    hi i found a piece of wood...

    i took up both of ur advice and the wood not only floats but bubbles constantly so i gave up... decided to buy one from the pet shop. looks real good too
  20. M

    hi how do you get gh and kh down?

    ty for that advice. well i bought a piece of wood i saw in a fish shop and it says mopani decorawood. i am not sure if this actually helps reduce the gh??? if the cardinals can survive in fairly hard water then well i guess i dont have to reduce the hardness then. gave up trying to treat a...
  21. M

    Chat room info :)

    yea i guess its goin to be hard but appreciate it whatever you do.
  22. M

    hi how do you get gh and kh down?

    i cant find the harness thread... well anyways i have a gh of 23 and kh of 13... it was 19 on both on the previous test. :o i was wondering what methods are there to reduce this? as i intend to get some cardinal tetras. :D i heard bog wood may help and think there are chemicals... i would...
  23. M

    Chat room info :)

    william can you make a lil box which shows there are people in the chat room? i have logged in but there are no people... so tend to avoid logging in again
  24. M

    hey there.

    welcome so anyone got any uk sites that sell a master test kit?
  25. M

    DIY Cave Page

    that is a class cave... i am definately gonna make a cave. a few peeps have asked why do you need to dip the stones in vinegar?
  26. M

    hi i found a piece of wood...

    well it is a old piece of wood... but not rotten, anyway i am wondering if i can do anything to make it clean etc... and put it in my tank? if so what procedures do i need to do? i dunno what drift/ bog wood is like but surely i can diy it myself... for free
  27. M

    Pleco's keep dying..

    my fish cud of been the reason ur second pleco died. soz dont worry i will buy bog wood and chop abit for u, also a replcement pleco from me is in order...
  28. M

    harness of water

    what about wood softhening the water? i would prefer to have something in the tank that does a job in the long term...
  29. M

    need some advice

    soz i dont know much about the nitrogen cycle but doesnt it evetually go back to having amonia and nitrites the nitrates again? anything happen to your filter?
  30. M

    yea got my 8 fishes in new tank

    okay will research into ottos, thanks again for your advice mate. i think my female guppy has isnt scratching really but at the top of it there are lil white spots that stick out. i am not certain if it is ich as i have not encountered it before but what should i do? also is it deadly?
  31. M

    yea got my 8 fishes in new tank

    i plan to get s few of these minnows: ty for ur advise, i knew it was impossible to have all of them... but i will gwt them when i can hmmm if only i had alot more money i would buy something a lil more bigger. well hopefully by...
  32. M

    what is cycling and how do you do it

    exactly young
  33. M

    what is cycling and how do you do it

    u seemed slow in the head thats all
  34. M

    what is cycling and how do you do it

    how old are u mount guppy?
  35. M

    yea got my 8 fishes in new tank

    ok update, did first test (yea recieved test kit but zeo mistaked n02 for amonia so boroughed his seperate amonia thing). anyway heres the results: ph 8 amonia 0.1 guess zeo fish tank water helped nitrite 3.3 mg argghh but atleast in next stage of cycle :D 19 for both gh and kh . pretty...
  36. M

    Bens birthday

    happy b day ben, ur a great friend
  37. M

    gallons hey is ur tank a marine or tropical one? us= 3.785 litre uk=4.456 litre i dunno the other answer...
  38. M

    Looking for cheap equipment

  39. M

    Laborett (Tetra) master testing kit

    yea zeo ordered me one too, also how much is a good price for a better testing kit? what other things do we need to test for? whoops forgot about follow up... but nm