Chat room info :)


TFF Founder
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 17, 2002
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Ok its just hit the chat time, and only me and CFC are there!! Where are you all come on join in! Its free and its fun, wheres the harm in that!! Top right corner just click live chat (near the help and search buttons).

Cya there I hope! :D
William, did the chat room changed? I logged on and it's totally different! I hate to say it, I like to old one better. This one doesn't even make sounds!

Have been using the Forum for about 4 months - all good have learnt a bit and passed a bit on.

Chat room would be fun but how do you know if there are already live chats ongoing?? Do you have to just keep logging on to see whats occuring?
I tried to go into live chat but the screen is just grey. There is no box or anything to type in. I totally couldn't get it to work. :sad:
LoL, I live in Aus too so I guess its no good to me really :p ;)
if you go on during the day then you will probably people to talk to. but otherwise its just us lads.
william can you make a lil box which shows there are people in the chat room?

i have logged in but there are no people... so tend to avoid logging in again
OK I got the thing working, had to download something, but I was there all by my lonesome too :-( . I don't thing the NY time thing very popular either. Will look in from time to time.
If doesn't load try downloading java from: . We'll hold some more chat times, and I'll look into getting a user list of people in the chat displayed on the forum, but its not going to be easy.
yea i guess its goin to be hard but appreciate it whatever you do.
Hi, I'm NEW to this www.FishForum.Net thingie...I'm not crazy about just typing letters or Posts, I'd Rather CHAT. I live in Up-State New York, it's ummmmm, 3:04 PM (Thurs) here now. I will go & check out the only Fish Chat I know about to see if you're all still in there, if I miss yas, maybe we can figure out WHEN we could all meet another day (or night, LOL) Anyways, I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who Names Fish, LOL !!! TTYL :) Bye-Bye

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