harness of water

go to your lfs and get some ion exchange resin to add to the filter.
i was told that water hardness dosn't realy mater because the fish you by over here come from the same water hardness well something like that :unsure:
as long as you don't take a fish from the wild don't worry about water hardness
focus said:
i was told that water hardness dosn't realy mater because the fish you by over here come from the same water hardness well something like that
Hardly. Hardness can vary a lot from place to place. My friend who lives just a few miles from me has MUCH softer water.
i think i heard somewhere that salt helps soften the water? or maybe it was for something else (not too sure)
zeo said:
i think i heard somewhere that salt helps soften the water? or maybe it was for something else (not too sure)
what about wood softhening the water? i would prefer to have something in the tank that does a job in the long term...
well i just got some plants over the intwernet and they just got here but it said to put them in soft to hard water but my tank is reading very hard to hight then very hard. so what can i do now

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