betta colors


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2003
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I'm curious......
What color is you betta?? I have a male betta that is purple with some red/pink mixed in his fins.
Bright red all over. I :wub: him - he's master of the mid and upper level of the community tank.
I have 5 bettas :rolleyes:
Male - Fred E Fish - is reddish/purple
Females: Jewel - blue with greenish hues
Flame - very red
Pinky - pinkish with purple fins
Bluey - very blue
They are all different and have different 'personalities' Have not tried to mate Fred yet, but may so in the future :D
If I listed all of my bettas colors'd be tired of reading about half way through ;)

But my favorite betta as far as COLORS go is green bodied with goldish bluish finnage, he's a beaut :wub: (and a charmer :rolleyes: )
just got one today and it is dark blue with a lil hint of red on its tail near the body. the shop had no other colours and i wanted a red one.

my local pet shop keeps the bettas in a bag in the community tank so its very shy and seems not o like swimming as it just relaxed on the bag before i guess.
I have a Dark but bright blue one with deep red fins and a bluish-purplish one with red and blue fins :D
Hehehe---I am pretty well in the mix with colors. I have a pink/blue marble VT, a red/white VT, a black and red butterfly CT, a steel blue HM pair and now their fry, a yellow/white butterfly pair (male is a DT), a red cambodian HM female with steel irredescense that is paired with a steel/yellow-orange DT male, their babies, a plackat pair, and a bunch of other misc. females. My next spawn is going to be a black and orange female to my steel/gold DT male. I am aiming for a steel bodied fish with all orange fins.

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