DIY Cave Page


Fish Addict
Feb 22, 2003
Reaction score
I put together some step-by-step pictures and a lil dialogue to make a web page, and Tanked put it together for me. Please, check out the DIY and send me any comments if you have any, or maybe some suggestions. Thanks Tanked for puting this together!

DIY Page
Great job!
You make it look so easy :D
hmm... now i know what to do w/all the extra plant stuff and rocks i so love to hang on to,and good a thing i did :D

great idea jesse :thumbs:

your welcome, it was my pleasure, sorry it took so long to complete. work was hectic and the mouse over affects on the navigation buttons took some time to work out. I like the cave though and will be using your guideline to fabricate my own
B) :thumbs:

...lets just hope the fish appreciate the effort you put in m8 lol ;)

Five thumbs up for a job well done! It looks great. I will have to work on some of my own. It is a good reminder to everyone about setting their rocks in vinegar first. That is something I could've forgotten. Thanks for all your tips and thanks to tanked as well.
that is a class cave... i am definately gonna make a cave.

a few peeps have asked why do you need to dip the stones in vinegar?
they do that becuase if the vinger fizzes, that means the rock is limestone, which is harmful to your fish

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