2 New Fish!


May 18, 2003
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Canada, Ontario
I just bought 2 new fish from Walmart. There ottos I just hope they'll survive, you never know with Walmart fish though. It was $4 for both.
i got new fish today too, 3 platies, 2 lil cories, 1 pleco, 1 female swordtail and 1 red tail shark. happy too mate.

yea someone adviced me to get ottos too, great fish i suppose.
iwas buying a fire-bellied newt and ended up getting like 20 black molly fry for free!....
Redtail sharks are not good for the kind of fish you have in your tank, they'll nip the fins and in some ways will hurt the fish to the point of the fish "possibly" dying. Takes a wile though. :p
Some advice about Wal-Mart fish:

Quarantine them for at least a week. They tend to show signs of ich within the first week, so if you have them seperated from all your others, you can treat them and keep the others from getting it.

I have gotten all of my fish from Wal-Mart. I got all of my frogs there too. I've only had one frog die, but I've had like 7 fish from there die. None of them lived longer than one month. Some of the fish was probably due to my ignorance about cycling, but not all of them. And the frog, I don't have a clue why it died. I think it was sick when I got it.

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