Looking for cheap equipment


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2003
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OK I wanna set up another tank...2 maybe 3 feet...I took a trip round local pet and fish shops today and it's gonna cost me around £150 for a decent tank, stand, internal filter heater hood and light...maybe even more. Can anyone suggest any good UK mail order sites that might help me save a few £££?
thanx ;)
I don't know about the UK mail order, but try looking in the paper for some deals.

I just bought a 135g tank (with a homebuilt stand that costs $400 alone), for $500. They were moving and didn't have room for it and they had it priced down to $800 and I offered $500 the day they were supposed to leave.

Can't wait to set that baby up. :hyper:
For equipment you could try Aquatics online
Aquatics direct
or aquatics warehouse
All are UK based, online,
and they are much cheaper than the shops
Hope this helps

:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
You could try ebay i bought my 4ft for £65.00 and it came with tons of stuff

My 3ft was £30 and that was with external filter gravel test kits biofilter....can't remember the other stuff

Or you could try loot.

Look in your local rag, theres bound to be some1 selling a tank with all the equipment, or exchange & Mart paper. Its far cheaper if you can get second hand :D
Thanx for the suggestions. I looked on ebay and the problem is most of the aquariums require buyer to collect, but they are all located miles from me!
Problem with the local rag is most of them come "complete with fish" :no:

Problem with the local rag is most of them come "complete with fish"

Is this really a problem? Why don't you just go to the persons house equipped with the platic bags you get from the lfs. Take all the fish to the lfs and trade them for fish food or something then go back and pick up the tank.

Now you have a bargain tank setup with free fish food and no unwanted fish.

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