yea got my 8 fishes in new tank


New Member
Aug 5, 2003
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only had the tank a few days, i have got 2 guppies, 2 mollies, 2 swordtails and 2 angels.. thus far they have not produce any babies apart from one and it has disappeared (eaten by a evil fish i assume).

how long would you expect for the fish to pair off? i have a small tank at 13 (uk gallon) or 15 (us gallons). temperatures are pretty high at 32 degress celcius or 90 degrees farrenheit (sp). the mollies are mating but the rest do not interact and infact even fight. lol

maybe too hot or something???

also do u recommend drift wood?
driftwood would be good.I have mollies and guppies and keep the temp at 80*f.I dont know if it would efect it though.You should get fish by a 1 male-2to3 female because the males will pick on the females.THis goes for mollies guppes and swordtails.If the males are smaller than the females it will usually stop that problem if its the males picking on the females.Hope it helps :thumbs:
Thats way to many fish to introduce so fast and your tank even if cycled would probably even then be overstocked.

I wouldn't worry about breeding ATM, I'd concentrate on keeping the ammonia and nitrite down - buy a test kit for each. The tank is as you say too hot, why so hot? Lower it down to 77-79, lower it down gradually over a couple of days so they don't get shocked and die.

I'd take back the angels, your tank is just not suited for them when they grow besides I doubt they'll survive the cycle.

Do a search on this forum on cycling or perhaps one of the members will be kind enough to give a brief explaination, I've got to dash.

So to recap:
1) Do a search on cycling
2) Buy test kits for ammonia and nitrIte
3) Take back the angels unless you plan on buying them a larger tank in the near future :)

Welcome to the forum
Yo - I guess the reason it is so hot is cos we are having a major major heatwave here in the UK - Its been 33/34o all week and Sunday was hottest ever recorded at 38 Degrees!! B) My tank has been 30 all week and there is no let up yet.
well no babies as of yet but i have bought a bigger plant that will surely be safe for babies and possibly give confidence to the mother they will survive. plz hurry up and give birth!!! lol

i will get the driftwood in time but my tank is pretty small, btw are there any precautions i need b4 i put it in?

the angels.... i cant give them back, i really like them. :D i am not sure what breed it is but i assume u are saying they will be too big???

also i have done the research on cycling and possibly my fish may all die. crossing my fins (excuse the pun)
i have ordered the same one zeo has as we know each other. not quite able to test all things but good for me anyway and a reasonable price...

ok my tank is 13-15 gallons and i want to get a few more fish in time...

heres the additions:

1 betta, 2 pigmies, 2 clown loaches, 2 platies, a pleco, 5 minnows, and hopefully 2 ruby sharks (unlikely but i love them). i know very ambitious but thats what i plan... so do you think that will work or a bigger tank is in order? btw its very costly this fish business...

ty u for ur replies ^^^^^

hope to see more VVVVVVVV
ok update, did first test (yea recieved test kit but zeo mistaked n02 for amonia so boroughed his seperate amonia thing).

anyway heres the results:

ph 8

amonia 0.1 guess zeo fish tank water helped

nitrite 3.3 mg argghh but atleast in next stage of cycle :D

19 for both gh and kh . pretty high so maybe no ruby sharks -_-

only 6 days, so pretty fast
Angels, plecos, Clown Loaches, and Ruby Sharks all get much to large to house in that small of a tank. The minnows (Depending on species I assume White Cloud?) are cold water fish. The Betta and Platies are fine in that size tank, but I worry about your tank if they all start having babies. You may be in a pickle if you have two or three sets of fry in there. Then, you either have to give them away, or if you're lucky, your LFS may buy them from you, but that means culling and housing and feeding until you have very good specimens and of a salable size. This could tank about 5 tanks of about 10 gallons each. This will be quite an undertaking. Also, in order to save your females you need to get about 2-3 females per male of each species. Therefore, you have 4 guppies, 4 platies, 4 mollies, and 4 swordtails, and maybe a betta. This would be plenty for at least two 15 gallon tanks. You may really want to look into the species a little more.
i plan to get s few of these minnows:

ty for ur advise, i knew it was impossible to have all of them... but i will gwt them when i can

hmmm if only i had alot more money i would buy something a lil more bigger.

well hopefully by the time thye start growing fairly large i will be able to buy a new tank.
As the link says, "Golden" White Clouds prefer 64-72 F which isn't anywhere near the 75-80 F that the other tropicals need. Good luck on getting larger tanks, but for your fishes' (Yes I mean "Fishes" because we're talking about multiple species not multiple specimens of one species) sake, I would hold off on the larger species (Pleco and loaches and Sharks) until you aquire a suitable habitat for them. BTW, there are some smaller species of "Plecos" like the "Clown" pleco that would do ok for your set-up. You may also consider some Ottos or something like that.
okay will research into ottos, thanks again for your advice mate. i think my female guppy has isnt scratching really but at the top of it there are lil white spots that stick out. i am not certain if it is ich as i have not encountered it before but what should i do? also is it deadly?

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