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  1. K

    Ich Outbreak

    Hey xJake, every single ich outbreak I've had I just put a penny in the aquarium and cranked the heat up to around 90, and wala. I know it sounds too easy and maybe impractical, but it worked for me.
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    Need To Return Fish

    Thanks for all of your advice tmack. I have had several types of air cleaners over the years, and I wouldn't recommend them at all. The ones I've had were just wastes of space. I'll be sure to try the respirator and gloves out and see how it goes.
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    Need To Return Fish

    Hello tmack. Yes my tank has a hood. It had mold on, but I emptied the tank and completely cleaned everything. I never would have thought that it was the fish food that was causing my allergy. I just bought a painter's air respirator today, and will try them and the gloves out whenever I do...
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    Need To Return Fish

    Well I sucessfully spent the night in another room. So my main concern is can I keep my fish? It should be fine if I wear gloves to handle feeding them and maybe put on a painter's mask to handle any thing fish related? I really want to keep my fish, but my health does come first.
  5. K

    Need To Return Fish

    Thanks for the replies guys. pumaf1 I will definetly try out those tips you suggest. tmack, I have had allergy tests done. I have Cystic Fibrosis, but this allergy thingie is really kicking my ass. I mean it depletes all of my energy, and I wake up at night coughing and my eyes are watering like...
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    Need To Return Fish

    I recently found out that I am allerigic most likely to the fish tank. I had one so long as I didn't think it could possibly be that. I know I am really allergic to mold. I transfered all my fish to another tank and cleaned the tank real well, but I am still having the same problem. I originally...
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    While the subject was RTB, even though it got hijacked, and turned into a mud-slinging contest, I succesfully keep a full grown rainbow shark with a convict and jack dempsey with no problems.
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    'resistant' Whitepsot Treatment

    Yea I thought that was a stupid taboo at first, and it wouldn't really work, but I asked some guy I work with who kept tropical fish for a few decades, and he gave me the low down on it. It works great for ick. :good:
  9. K

    'resistant' Whitepsot Treatment

    From the ick problems I used to have, I just put the temp in the aquarium up to around 90, and dropped a penny in the aquarium and it all cleared up in a few days.
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    Yea, what an imbecile. Wal-mart if they're gonna indeed participate in fish selling, really need to hire experienced people.
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    O man, that's horrible. Did you speak up and say something? That poor little girl was buying a fish that already had 1 fin in the coffin.
  12. K


    Thanks. Even though I only have 1 tinfoil barb, he seems to be doing just fine. Do you think if I get more of them, he won't be harrassed as much by my shark? I hear ya about the balas and the irredescents. At the time of their demise, I only had a mere 10 gallon. :blush: I was wondering, why...
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    I have bought my rainbow shark, corys, and Sae from Wal-mart, and they lived 4 years, and still ticking! But like someone else said, if they are gonna sell live animals, they need to at least have some people who are knowledgable in the field. If you're gonna do it, you might as well as do it...
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    Hello everyone. Thanks to some X-mas cash, I have finally been able to upgrade my aquarium from a 28 gallon, to a 55 gallon. I have purchased some new fish too. Can you believe that when I went to the pet shop today, they had a bunch of black sharks in a 10 gallon, and what's worse is they...
  15. K

    Red-tailed Bully

    Ok, is that the reason why the pacu is getting bullied? If I had a bigger tank, would it solvent the problem? Geese, with Christmas coming up, I think I will have to wait till the new year to get a bigger tank.
  16. K

    Red-tailed Bully

    Hello. I just bought a red-bellied pacu that is a relatively large fish, and was bullying all the other fish in it's tank, but when I placed him in my home aquarium, my red-tail black shark was quick to show this newbie who's boss. He constantly chases and harrases this pacu, is this only...
  17. K

    Finless Catfish

    Well I just bought the 2 Columbian sharks. I had my RTB ever since he was very young. I realize they will need a bigger tank at some point, but for now my main concern is for my finless catfish. The other cory I have is alot bigger and has all of it's fins. And they're the same age.
  18. K

    Finless Catfish

    I have had a cory catfish now for around 3-4 years. It has no fins at all! It has to wiggle around to move. Other than the fin issue, it acts totally normal, and is a hardy fish. I went through over the years probably around 10 or 11 tiger barbs. I thought these were the culprits. But for a few...
  19. K

    Rtbs Trying To Jump Out?

    Wow, duct tape. But if you use that on a tank with RTBs in it, won't they stick to it if they jump?
  20. K

    Rtbs Trying To Jump Out?

    Yea RTB are quite the leapers. I have had mine 4+ years, and he still tries and tries. I can hear the water move when I turn the lights out. To solvent the situation, I covered all areas of the tank- nothing is left uncovered. I measure the areas that were open, and simply cut cardboard and...
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    What is a doradid?
  22. K

    Chinese Algae Eaters In A Community Tank.

    Wow, I didn't know that. I have a couple cory'sin my tank along with a cae. No problems as of yet, and they've been together for a few years. I agree with this statement. My cae picked on and chased my RTB for over 3 years! Whenever my RTB would come out from his little cave to investigate, my...
  23. K

    Red Tailed Shark....i Think He Doesnt Want The Tiger Barbs There?

    I have had a rtb shark in my aquarium for about 4 years. In the beginning, he used to get bullied by an upside-down catfish I had. Later it died, I got a chinease algae eater. Well, for about 2 years straight it bullied and chased by RTB around, but now, since the RTB is full grown, it is the...
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    Another Question?

    Yeah, the tank is definetly cycled. I just wanted to make sure it is ok to add juvenile fish to an adult tank.
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    Another Question?

    The size of the tank I want to add them to is a 28 gallon.
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    Another Question?

    Well, they're pretty small, I just got them the other day. The "adult tank" contains 3 tiger barbs, 2 cory catfish, 1 rainbow shark, and 1 cae. They are almost all full-grown.
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    Another Question?

    I was wondering when it will be ok to move my 7 young tiger barbs to my adult fish tank?
  28. K

    New aquarium ornament

    I don't know about stressing the fish out, but any type of aireation can't be bad.
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    Pics of your pets making funny faces?

    That's good Brooklea, Rigby is a good-looking pup.
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    I have been bad..very bad

    Congrats SRC! He is a looker alright.
  31. K

    Quick question?

    Well the algae in my tank is directly from when I had it in another room that received direct sunlight. I tried scrubbing it off, but I only managed to get some off. My tanklights are on anywhere from 10-12 hours a day. I don't have any plants at all in the tank. My nitrate reading is pretty...
  32. K

    Quick question?

    Are cae's really that bad? In my adult tank it chases the rainbow shark around, but neglects all the other fish?
  33. K

    Quick question?

    I only plan on keeping the 7 baby tiger barbs in there until they are big enough to put in my 28 gallon with the adult fish. But until then, I would like to get rid of the algae in the tank.
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    Quick question?

    It seems like I have an algae problem in my ten gallon tank. I was thinking of getting either a cae or pleco? The question is which one should I get, I have 7 baby tiger barbs in it now?
  35. K

    Hello Everybody

    Hey Saz, I am new too to this forum. I have been keeping fish ever since I was a child though.
  36. K

    New Here, Hello!

    Hey everyone! This is my first visit here. I have a 28-gallon tank and a 10-gallon tank. In my 28-gallon I have: 1) Rainbow shark 2)Chinease Algae eater 3)2 Catfish 4)3 Tiger Barbs I only have 7 fish in that one, but they are all probably full grown. I have had them all a year or two. 10...