

Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2006
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You know they sell fish?

They have schools of small ID sharks like 40 of em in each small 5 or 10 gallon tank, mixed with Pictus Catfish and bala sharks.

They were terrying up a dead Pictus Catfish with a big hole in its side, was mad man.

To my point, anyone know how agressive the pictus is when hes adult size? because i plan to get 6 corys in my tank since i only have one.
No idea about the Pictus cat;just thought id highjack long enough to say Neverbuy fish from Walmart!They are always sick!At least they R where I'm from
No idea about the Pictus cat;just thought id highjack long enough to say Neverbuy fish from Walmart!They are always sick!At least they R where I'm from

LOL after seeing that i never will, just decided to put up a public warning.
I had a single pictus, when it reached about four inches long it began violently attacking my bristlenose pleco and I had to get rid of it, as the bristle was slowly starving because he could never come out of his hiding place. I would not get a pictus if you want cories.
I am not bashing walmart but i think they need to hire some more experienced workers for the pet department becuase there are several workers that dont know what they are talking about.

This is the same with anyone, if you are going to buy a new pet become educated about it before buying it becuase there are people in pet stores buying a 5 gallon tank and then getting a goldfish, molly, and some platties, and i want to say something but sometimes i tell them there is a good website out there and i name one of the ones i know right off the top of my head!

Well thanks again!
Why does it say on that Pictus catfish get to 10 inches then?
I have bought my rainbow shark, corys, and Sae from Wal-mart, and they lived 4 years, and still ticking! But like someone else said, if they are gonna sell live animals, they need to at least have some people who are knowledgable in the field. If you're gonna do it, you might as well as do it right. Haha, about a week ago, there was a tank full of red-bellied pacus, and this one fish was harrasing all the others. So, I asked the guy what kind of fish it is. He said it was a red-bellied pacu. Haha, it is clearly a tinfoil barb.
Yes, I agree that walmart should hire more educated people. The other day while I was at walmart a lady with her 4 year old daughter asked the sales person if they could have 2 platties and the man working had to read all of the lables until he found the one with the word platty. When he scopped out 2 the 4 year old girl said ''I'm going to name this fish sparkle'' because it was covered in ick. And guess what the salseperson said? He said ''Oh isn't that one special fish? What a good name it fits him perfectly''. All places selling live animals should make sure they hire educated workers.
Yes, I agree that walmart should hire more educated people. The other day while I was at walmart a lady with her 4 year old daughter asked the sales person if they could have 2 platties and the man working had to read all of the lables until he found the one with the word platty. When he scopped out 2 the 4 year old girl said ''I'm going to name this fish sparkle'' because it was covered in ick. And guess what the salseperson said? He said ''Oh isn't that one special fish? What a good name it fits him perfectly''. All places selling live animals should make sure they hire educated workers.

O man, that's horrible. Did you speak up and say something? That poor little girl was buying a fish that already had 1 fin in the coffin.
As bad as I wanted to say something to those people I didn't but as for the man that got the fish for them I told him about the ick and showed him the ick medication (quick cure) that they were selling on the shelf. And he said I'm sorry ther's nothing we can do and he went back to work. I was so mad the medice was right there on the shelf!

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