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    neglected angels

    Ok - I have teh regular filter in there and I did put in an air pump as well just in case. Will that be ok? I have a friend who is checking on her parents tank, otherwise I will take them to the LFS this weekend.
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    neglected angels

    Hi all, my neighbour came today with 2 angelfish & said - can you help me, (the ex) took the tank and didn't want these 2. So anyway, for a week they have been living in about 4 inches of water with no filtration or even air bubbles - arg. So... as I didn't want to see them die I said I would...
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    stupid stupid stupid

    yea, i suppose you are right, at least no one is out of a home :)
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    stupid stupid stupid

    hi all, just cracked my hospital tank. I am hoping someone will sympathize with me so I don't feel so dumb. I was giving everything a boiling water wash and didn't have the foresight to take the stuff OUT and not actually put the stupid boiling water on the stupid glass itself. stupid stupid...
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    HELP Required Please

    hey doug, Tap water has chlorine (unless you have well water). Chlorine will kill the beneficial bacteria that you have started to build - so, it is a good thing to use dechlorinator with all new water you are putting in your tank. Thankfully, this is not too expensive and all lfs have it - pop...
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    HELP Required Please

    One thing that no one has specifically mentioned, I don't want to insult your intellegence, but since you are new - you are treating the water with a dechlorinator when you put new water in yes? I am assuming so since the tank is cycling, but better to be safe than sorry. Also, no one else...
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    Betta girlys not looking very well

    Hi bettamomma, sorry to hear of your troubles. I think those readings may be enough to stress the fish since they are the ones being used to cycle the tank. Just keep testing and changing water and I think you will be fine. If female bettas are as hardy as males, I am sure you will be fine. If...
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    Bettamomma - How is Lucky??

    Hey there, William (my boy) has been asking about Lucky - where is an update ??? ;) work is just such a pesky thing when it gets in the way of picture taking and posting :P Really though, would like to hear how he is going even if there is no picture Susan
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    Fish Losing Color

    Hi there, I think generally (and I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong) when fish lose their colour it is due to stress. What are your water parameters? Ammonia & NitrIte specifically. Do you change your water regularly? Do any of the fish have stringy white poo (just a bit off...
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    Don't Ever Buy Fish From Wal-Mart

    So here I sit trying to think of ways to educate people on the finer parts of live animals & it occurs to me that TV is very popular. Maybe after ringing the ASPCA, one of our dear activists (perhaps Bettamomma :D ) could organize a letter to Oprah (she's into everything good you know....)...
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    Seen a celebrity/famous person in a fish shop?

    waaaAAAAHHHHH!! oh my goodness......... so that makes you kinda famous by association! :)
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    Seen a celebrity/famous person in a fish shop?

    I saw Fiona from the show "The Block" in my LFS and in our restaurant (which is just near my LFS) we had Paul Kelly who used to captain some AFL team (the Swans?) and we had Matty Johns from "the Footy Show". and another group of footy players apparently (I wouldn't know really, but the...
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    I can't get my ammonia lvl to 0???

    Hi there, You could put some filter media from the 20g into the new tank (I am assuming it is healthy and cycled). That would colonize your tank with bacteria. Another thing is that the ammonia removal stuff may be effecting your readings. I have heard that a lot on these forums. Maybe lay...
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    i think i have gill infection

    What are the spots like? Fuzzy? Like salt? Big, Little? I believe fuzzy ones are most likely fungus Ones like grains of salt would be ich
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    Electricity Out

    thanks :) I didn't get to put the filter in the water - I didn't get the email until now because they turned the power off early (stupid council!! :crazy: ) Anyway, the fish are alive & we will wait and see what happens
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    They are acting strange AGAIN!

    Thanks everyone, They are not looking quite as bad today. I don't think that there is a current through the water - how would I know? I think that they are all just weak as I did cycle with them (before I knew better) and there has been illness in the tank. I have to work today and the power is...
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    Electricity Out

    Hi all, I know there have been threads like this before - but I have to go to work now and the power will be out between 9-4. There will be no one here to get any water over the filter etc. Will the bacteria die or will it all be ok? thanks Susan
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    Guess it didnt cycle?

    Hi Wolf, Have a look at teh pinned articles in the beginner section about cycling. That will probably answer most of your questions. hth susan
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    They are acting strange AGAIN!

    I thought that I might have healthy fish after the 2 platies went, but it appears I was wrong. I think the 2nd died about a month ago (I am pretty sure it had internal parasites...) and the remaining platy (although she is skinny) seemed fine. I did treat the tank with Tetracycline on the...
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    Cycling with Fish :(

    Hey there Snowbrumby, In such a large tank with relatively few fish, & a water shortage - I would really think that you could get away with smaller changes - like 10% every day or maybe 15% every second day. I totally understand that you want the fish to survive, but I am assuming you are on...
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    Here are the 2 pictures for your Mr Miagi The ones that I replanted are ok so far, but they are also very small. I suppose if you don't have any suggestions I will just wait and see what happens.....
  22. fish_plants_002.jpg


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    I think it is aquatic , it doesn't stand up on it's own out of the water. I will work on getting a picture thanks!!
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    thanks mate, that is good to know. Should the 'stalk' of the plant go brown too? It just looks like it is dying from the bottom up. Maybe this wouldn't happen if I got to the leaves as soon as they were not bright green? Wouldn't it look a bit funny as they keep growing up and I keep taking...
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    Need more help with my guppy

    Jezah - Chill Out!!! The point of asking on a forum like this is to get multiple opinions. Just because she is not treating you like a fish god does not mean that she is not entitled to ask questions.
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    Hi all, I am relatively new to all of this fish/plant keeping. I have a 6 gallon and a little while ago (maybe 4 weeks) I got an amazon sword (I think) and some Pennywort. The sword is going fine, and the Pennywort is just perplexing. There is tons of new growth, but the bottoms are going...
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    Have a look at the beginners section at the pinned articles, especially new tank syndrome.
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    how hard is fish to keep!?

    just wondering, if you don't want to spend money on fish that are likely to die during or shortly after a cycle, why don't you do fishless cycling? All you have to spend then is the money on the bottle of ammonia - much cheaper (and more humane really) than fish! just a thought...
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    Melafix on Freshwater?

    oops :*) well, yes then, it does work for tropicals in general. As jimw13uk said, be very careful mixing anything - but if you are putting nothing else in and follow the instructions it should be ok. My lfs say that they actually put a dose in every time they get a new shipment of fish...
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    Melafix on Freshwater?

    I remember seeing a thread that Bettamomma started about Melafix and her baby (betta that is). She said somehting about an overdose, but there was a whole heap of other stuff in there - maybe you could search somehow through the old threads with a keyword or somehting ? (not quite so internet...
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    Whats going on???? I'm at a lost

    I don't think the pH is your big problem really. From what I have learned here, most fish can deal with a pH that is not neutral - but they suffer from dramatic changes. Is your LFS testing anything other than pH? I would strongly advise getting your own testing kit - I find the liquid a bit...
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    Need more help with my guppy

    hey Mariah, The NitrAte is ok - I have heard some people who don't think it is a problem before it is at 60ppm. With regular water changes you will keep it in a safe level (unless of course, your tap water is high in NitrAtes....) With the NitrIte reading, normally you would do a water change...
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    High Nitrite Levels

    i have to agree with rd1952 - NitrItes are the 2nd stage of tne Nitrogen cycle and after the cycle should not be present. NitrAtes are always present at some level after the cycle is finished and can be kept in check (in most cases) by regular water changes
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    High NitrAte Levels , Fast Breathing, Please Help!

    regarding the Melafix - I think that if you follow the directions carefully, it is quite good stuff (have not had the need to use it yet.........well, I did really, but didn't know it until they died.....:( ) My LFS actually use Melafix in the tank as a preventative when they add new fish -...
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    High NitrAte Levels , Fast Breathing, Please Help!

    Hi there, do you do regular water changes? I would say do a change (maybe 30%??) immediately & test again tomorrow. I am sure that there will be responses from those with more expertise, but I do know that a water change is necessary. hth susan
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    Betta tail - yikes.

    Bettamomma, I don't know the answers to your questions, but I just wanted to let you know that I think you are so cool saving all the beautiful bettas :) I love reading your posts & looking at teh new additions :P Best of luck with the new ones :) susielyd
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    Moved male betta to 1.5-2 gallon bowl

    Hi Raechal, Many questions I don't have an answer for :rolleyes: , but I do know that before you put salt in it does need to be dissolved all the way. (even distribution, no salt pockets & all that stuff........)
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    Can platies get spotty?

    so it survived, what exactly is wrong? do I need to treat anything? or is it just something that happens?
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    Can platies get spotty?

    I have had a bit of a rough time with my tank in the last month - I had (to begin with) 2 female platies, 1 male platie, and 2 female guppies. The tank has been running since the end of December and is cycled. Water levels are all ok I lost 1 female platy(about 3 weeks ago) and a little while...
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    Hi there, from what I have learned here, you maybe shouldn't be replacing your filters - just rinsing them out in tank water when you change the water. The filters are generally where the good bacteria live. Maybe? hth Susan