Can platies get spotty?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
South Coast NSW Australia
I have had a bit of a rough time with my tank in the last month - I had (to begin with) 2 female platies, 1 male platie, and 2 female guppies. The tank has been running since the end of December and is cycled. Water levels are all ok
I lost 1 female platy(about 3 weeks ago) and a little while later (I think about 1.5weeks ago) the male platy. I think it was possibly internal parasites (diagnosed by long stringy white poo & skinnnnnny fish) As my remaining platy had the same poo, I went to a decent LFS where they recommended tetracycline. It seems to have worked, the remaining platy stopped loosing weight, but her poo is still a little strange, Anyway to get to my question - she has developed some spots on her head/back that really I can only describe as freckles. Is this normal or shall I plan another fishy funeral? she is still eating and using teh whole tank to swim, I think she may have gained a bit of weight back & there is nothing else that I can see that is unusual. Both of the guppies are ok.
Thank you for taking the time to get through this mangled & messy post :)

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