HELP Required Please

We changed the standard bulb to a pair of the colour enhancment one's is that a problem ?

Also I have carried out a full test of the water and the results are as follows

PH 7.2
NO/2 2.0-5.0 cant get a correct reading on the colour chart!!
NO/3 5.0

If any one could check these readings for me and let me know if they are good or bad i would appreciate it

Regards Doug
The nitrite reading is really high carry on with water changes to fetch the readings down.
In addition to what Wilder said, it also means that you are well into your cycle. You're entering the last phase where nitrite is spiking and nitrates start to rise.

This means that the cycle is nearing completion.

There shouldn't be any ammonia readings at this point. I'd guess that it means that the tank is a touch overstocked after all, or that you may be overfeeding. You'll just have to keep up with water changes or think about feeding a little less. HTH~
One thing that no one has specifically mentioned, I don't want to insult your intellegence, but since you are new - you are treating the water with a dechlorinator when you put new water in yes? I am assuming so since the tank is cycling, but better to be safe than sorry. Also, no one else has said that while you are cycling sometimes it is helpful to feed the fish every second day.
good luck :)
Thank you for the further information
Ive not fed the fish today

dechlorinator ?????? No im not I have only done 1 30% change yesterday should I be using this susan ??? no offence taken I am uninteligent in this at the moment so every comment or peice of information is grately received

Regards Doug
hey doug,
Tap water has chlorine (unless you have well water). Chlorine will kill the beneficial bacteria that you have started to build - so, it is a good thing to use dechlorinator with all new water you are putting in your tank.
Thankfully, this is not too expensive and all lfs have it - pop down and grab some for your next water change :) There are many different brands but I don't *think* it matters much, as long as it removes chlorine and chloramine.
kind regards,
You definitely need dechlorinator, something like Stress Coat. Chlorine will actually disipate (sp) from the water in about 24 hours but chloramine will remain forever unless you kill it. The chlorine and chloramine will kill off the good bacteria and you don't want that.

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