Moved male betta to 1.5-2 gallon bowl


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Okay so as some of you know, my betta started to grow black edges around his tail. Now there is a small hole in his tail and it is looking more tattered. I was thinking maybe the strong current in the tank or the intake tube was causing it. There are no other fish or anything in his 10 gallon tank. There was just rounded pebble-gravel and a smooth cave for him to rest in from the current. So I found one of my old betta bowls and it is about 2 gallons so I thought about putting him in there. There is no filtration and he is now in his new bowl on my dresser (which is infront of a huge mirror!) I put a manilla folder behind his bowl to block the mirror so he wouldn't be stressed out from flaring 24/7. I have never seen him flare since I have bought him...besides the one time I added a larger green cory to his 10 gallon and he flared at him, but a tiny flare at that. :p I removed the manilla folder and as soon as he saw himself he gave a HUGE flare! It was gigantic! :hyper: So beautiful. So after he flared 2 or 3 times, I covered the mirror back up.

The bowl has about 1-2 inches of brown pebble gravel with a moneywort plant to the side of the bowl and some micro sword grass on the bottom. :thumbs:

I am just treating him with salt right now in his bowl as I went to the store and they didn't have any meds. :crazy: I even went to walmart and they only had a HUGE bottle of melafix and it was too expensive I didn't have enough money. :( So I am just using aqaurium salt as of now. Will this help his tail any? Do I need to buy the melafix or will salt do the job?

It says 1 teaspoon for every 5 gallons so I put like 5 pebbles of salt in there. I didn't want to overload him with salt.
Hi Raechal,
Many questions I don't have an answer for :rolleyes: , but I do know that before you put salt in it does need to be dissolved all the way. (even distribution, no salt pockets & all that stuff........)
Susielyd said:
Hi Raechal,
Many questions I don't have an answer for :rolleyes: , but I do know that before you put salt in it does need to be dissolved all the way. (even distribution, no salt pockets & all that stuff........)
Well when I switched the gravel to sand in his bowl I also changed 100% of the water and put him in a small pitcher of water while I rearranged his bowl. Then i poured some salt in and let it sit for awhile until the temp was okay. Then I put my male betta back in. :thumbs:

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