Guess it didnt cycle?


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
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Well heres the story...

Had my 29gal set up for about month and a half, most of that time cycling with guppies, which i have millions of...

Went to a friend (who breeds African Cichlids) and got 8 Yellow Labs from her. This was last wednesday. They were doing great up until last night.

I was gone for most of the day and when i came home they all immediatly hid. Every time i walk into my room they all dart away, instead of normally coming to the top for food. I cant make the slighest movement without them swimming away.

It takes about 3 minutes for them to come out from hiding and swim around normal again. I have been able to get food to them though.

I decided to test the water then and this is what i got...

Nitrate- 5.0
Nitrite- .25-.50

With that i changed 30% of the water, which was yesterday. I changed another 30% this morning. After water changes the Nitrates go down a lil bit.

Whats the best thing to do now? How many water changes can i do?
How long till it cycles through?
I have filter cartridges from an established 10gal i can put in the 29gal filter. Good idea? Cause ive heard of the instant cycle from establishes filters... Thanx guys, need help fast!

Hi Wolf ...

I'm not a fish expert but here is my guestimate ...

The behavior you described is hard to explain by ammonia and / or nitrite toxicity ... in that case the fish would be hanging near the surface and breathing fast ...

I guess that the Cichlids are putting out a bit more waste then your guppies so the bacteria need a while to adjust to the new waste load ... I would keep testing and do water changes if need be ... don't sweat the nitrates your levels are well within limits ... I have heard old media from an established tank works well ... but I'd guess your tank has already cycled.

As far as the fish darting away ? .. I think the big bad fishkeeper is spooking them ... :rolleyes: ... perhaps they need time to settle in a bit.

Good Day ... B)
I really have no idea at all why they are in hiding now! I walk into my room and all 8 are completely gone! the first five days i had them they never hid at all. When i gravel vaced the gravel once they would actually start nipping at the tube!

They were the most active fish ive ever had. Now they all hid and crap -_-

I thought it was because of my test resualts but i dunno!

Anyone know?
Thanx Mohave B)

Give em time they will come through they just gotta get use to you. My yellow lab did the same thing for about 4 weeks now he's out all the time.
Yeah but they wernt like this for the first 4 days!

They were out 24/7. Never hid at all.

They wont even take flake now. Cause when i go to feed them they all swim away!

They just went to this weird mood yesterday -_-

you added 8 fish all at once?

that's your problem - there wasn't enough bacteria to handle that much of a load that quickly. it's recommended that you ad 2-3 every week or so to slowly build it up. 8 all at once is a shocker.

Basically, just treat the tank as if you were cycling it the first time, you just have more fish now.
So how long will it take to cycle through?...

OK well readings today are...

Ammonia-.1 hardley any
Nitrites- 2.0

Ammonia is less then before and Nitrites are a lot higher.
Whats the cycle process? with Fish?
How long until eveything will drop to 0?
30% water changes are done daily. Should more be done?
What else is there i can do?


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