They are acting strange AGAIN!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
South Coast NSW Australia
I thought that I might have healthy fish after the 2 platies went, but it appears I was wrong.
I think the 2nd died about a month ago (I am pretty sure it had internal parasites...) and the remaining platy (although she is skinny) seemed fine. I did treat the tank with Tetracycline on the advice of the lfs. So the skinny one was still eating and playing with the 2 guppies. The guppies I was very proud of because even when the 2 platties were sick, they just kept going, until today that it -_-
I turned their light on and the blue guppy just lost the plot - zipping around and looking crazy and then hiding. She also at some point this morning looked a little curved, like she was trying to bit her bum - but not way curved.
So, her behaviour today has not improved and my skinny platy seems to be just letting the current push her around - but they did both eat this morning.

Water is fine - amm & nitrites are 0, dont know nitrAtes, but I change about 20% once a week.
The only thing htat I have done differently is add plants, but that was about a month ago.

Any ideas? Also, if they die will I need to treat the tank with anything before I can get more fish?

thanks heaps :)
from the wasting and curved spine it could be fish tuberculosis or theres a live current going through your water.
Live bearers need some tonic salt in the tank to help with mineral defficiences which might be whats happening as well.
hope someone can help you more.
internal bacterail infections can carse curved spine as well.
Is yr ph stable, ph swings can carse stress in fish and leave them open to all kinds of nastys that are in yr water.
Internal parasites long stringy white poo, red inflamed anus, worms prutruding from the anus, going skinny, or bloated, and second bacteria infections can occur.
Thanks everyone,
They are not looking quite as bad today. I don't think that there is a current through the water - how would I know?
I think that they are all just weak as I did cycle with them (before I knew better) and there has been illness in the tank.
I have to work today and the power is going to be out from 9-4, so I will see what state they are in when I get home and then decide what to do.
thanks again,

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