Betta girlys not looking very well


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
:/ So, we went out tonight.
Came home about 30 minutes ago.
I switched on the light in my girls' tank to feed them. (this is a 10 gallon planted tank that I have 4 betta girls in - they went into the tank uncycled, but everything to this point has been going perfectly)... IT's been set up for almost 3 weeks now.

NONE of them came up to the top as they always do - I discovered they were all hanging around the bottom or back of the tank and they have all lost a lot of their color. So, I figured we have some sort of spike.
I immediately checked the water (I have been checking it religiously, and even checked it before we went out tonight just a few hours ago and then everythign looked fime).... so the readings tonight were as follows:
Nitrate: 35
Nitrite: .5
PH :8.4 (it's ALWAYS 8.4, never changes)
and then I checked ammonia. that was only at .25

I went ahead and did a 25% water change.

The temp was as it always is - 79 degrees.
None of them want to eat.

Anyone have any ideas? Are the numbers in the readings enough to make them THIS uncomfortable? Enough to lose their color? Pearl and Cloey's fins are pretty much grey and see thru now. Millie is grey also now, and has horizontal stress bars pretty prominently. (please see below for what colors they SHOULD BE and normally are).

Thanks, It is 2:30 am and I'm up waiting for an answer, because I just can't go to bed until I know what the deal is here.
Hi bettamomma,
sorry to hear of your troubles.
I think those readings may be enough to stress the fish since they are the ones being used to cycle the tank.
Just keep testing and changing water and I think you will be fine. If female bettas are as hardy as males, I am sure you will be fine. If they are not as hardy, remember that it is normal to lose a fish or two that you ahve cycled with.

Go to bed now and check again when you get up.

good luck :)

ps - thanks for updating lucky, he really is lucky!!!!
It's probably because you're starting to see nitrites. They should be ok,as already mentioned. This is just the stressful part. If you can get ahold of some Prime dechlorinator,it's really good at aiding a cycle along because it breaks the ammonia and nitrites down somewhat.
Thanks for the response.
I did the water change about 30 mins ago.
Just went and checked on them and their color has come back and they were all IMpatiently waiting at the top for food again.

WHEW. I will NEVER EVER cycle a tank with fish already in it, even if it is "ONLY BETTAS". I promise. It's way too stressful on me. And the fish.

And yeah, Lucky really is a very lucky little guy. Not because I found him, but because his tail is growing back so nicely. He's going to be one beautiful fish once it comes in! I can't wait. I tell him every day to try really really hard to grow an extra little bit of tail that day. lol

wuvmybetta said:
It's probably because you're starting to see nitrites. They should be ok,as already mentioned. This is just the stressful part. If you can get ahold of some Prime dechlorinator,it's really good at aiding a cycle along because it breaks the ammonia and nitrites down somewhat.
Prime is the brand of dechlorinator?
And use that instead of the Stress Coat that I currently use during water changes?
BettaMomma said:
wuvmybetta said:
It's probably because you're starting to see nitrites. They should be ok,as already mentioned. This is just the stressful part. If you can get ahold of some Prime dechlorinator,it's really good at aiding a cycle along because it breaks the ammonia and nitrites down somewhat.
Prime is the brand of dechlorinator?
And use that instead of the Stress Coat that I currently use during water changes?
Well,on second thought, it would work alot better,but the biggest drawback is that it alters your test readings. Which won't be helpful to you during your cycle. I guess stick with the stress coat. Is stress coat a dechlorinator? :huh:

EDIT~ N/M,I think it is. Can you buy a bottle of bio-spira? That should cycle your tank in just hours but it's like 25 bucks.
I'll just keep doing what I'm doing then, I guess.
Why on earth did I decide to cycle WITH fish?
It's ok. But, just think....after your tank is cycled you will never have to do this again.

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