Need more help with my guppy

Jezah said:
Egh, Tank Buddies stink! They dont work at all. I use those test strips and hey are acually surprisingly accurate as their simplicity leaves less room for error. Those readings are fine, except for the NitrIte. NitrIte is a deadly toxin and even the least bit can kill your fish. NitrAte however is harmless and actually good for live plants if you have any. The only bad thing about Nitrate is it can cause algae growth. Everything else is ok, as livebearers like hard water and neutral PH is ok. I am sorry you lost your molly :rip: . Do a water change and good luck! :thumbs:
They work fine, and do not kill of fish as previoulsy stated. :blink:
Jezah said:
P.S. Was their a point to your post Black_ghost_guy...or was it just random? 2 people have said Jungle meds stink, and I have more personal experience to back that up. She also doesnt have scaleless fish who are having an issue. So, uh...thanks but no thanks?
Forgot to mention this, but yes, and it was quite obvious to correct biased and incorrect information provided by you. ;)
I just did a 25% water change and than I added the parasite clear tank buddies.... It said to take out the carbon from filter during its use so I did that. I guess we shall see what happens :nerd:
Like a said. Good luck, I really think you are wasting money. Please, from now on refrain from asking people for help and asking for their opinios if you dont plan on listening at all.
Jezah -
Chill Out!!!
The point of asking on a forum like this is to get multiple opinions.
Just because she is not treating you like a fish god does not mean that she is not entitled to ask questions.
(Thanks susielyd)

To anyone who has used the parasite buddies... Did you notice you tank abit cloudy the next day?

Thanks ;)
You are running an airstone for extra aeration, check water stats properly just the med, good luck.
Wilder said:
You are running an airstone for extra aeration, check water stats properly just the med, good luck.
I am not running a airstone... Should I be? I treated with the med last night and it says I can retreat in 48 hours. Do I really need to get one for this time?

Also what are the signs that my fish are getting better? Would it be when no one poos white poo? Cause the only one that is pooing white poo is the guppy. Like is this cureable? Shes had this for so long.....Im starting to worry again......

Thanks -_-
yes you need an airstone for extra aeration as meds take 02 out of the water, there poo should go back to normal brown, it can take a well, if the guppy was really infested it will probably take longer, does it say in the instruction to leave a week or so then redose.
Wilder said:
yes you need an airstone for extra aeration as meds take 02 out of the water, there poo should go back to normal brown, it can take a well, if the guppy was really infested it will probably take longer, does it say in the instruction to leave a week or so then redose.
This is what it says on the box:

Treatment may be repeated up tp two times with 48 hours between treatments and a 25% water change. For anchor worms and fish lice repeat treatment up to three times using once a week with a 25% water change.

So should I do it 2 times or 3 times wilder?

I will get a airstone tomorrow as the store closes in 9 minutes! :crazy:

Oh and I also wanted to say my fry are still alive :*

No I wouldn't treat again leave it for two days and if she is still doing long white stringy poo redose again, good luck and glad the fry are ok.
First dose then leave 48 hours then dose again that makes 2 stop at two doses if in two days she is still the same then i would do another dose of meds on her.
Wilder said:
First dose then leave 48 hours then dose again that makes 2 stop at two doses if in two days she is still the same then i would do another dose of meds on her.
Ok sounds like a plan! :nod: I really hope these meds work. I just want to have healthy fish.
Good luck, you will needs meds after all this is over. :lol:

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