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  1. D

    First Tank For 2 Years, Stocking A 60l. Suggestions Please!

    It's an interesting suggestion. I think i'll be slightly reluctant to fill the tank with one kind of fish, even though you can get different types of minnows, as I'm excited about it all now and I'd like a bit of variety. If it was to be one type of fish then I would probably go for a larger one...
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    First Tank For 2 Years, Stocking A 60l. Suggestions Please!

    Hey all. Basically, a few years ago I had a few tropical aquariums and also worked in my lfs. I've been thinking for a while i'd like to get a tank again. Tomorrow I am going to buy an aquarium in the region of 60-90l and so I have about a month to choose what to stock it with. I am open to any...
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    Green Spotted Puffer, Info Please?

    Still sounding good. At the moment i have a 90x30x45 (cm) aquarium containing a Dwarf Ancistrus. There is another tank that my brother has that could conveniently take him, from what you've said this tank sounds fairly ideal at least for now. The staff at the shop seemed fairly knowledgable, the...
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    Green Spotted Puffer, Info Please?

    Thanks Dan and Neale. That link does look useful so i'll certainly be having a good read of that before any final decision. You've pretty much answered all my questions, thanks Neale. I'm definately still interested in these puffers, there were 4 of them in the tank at the LFS. What sized tank...
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    Green Spotted Puffer, Info Please?

    Hey everybody, It's been a long time since i've posted on here! Today i went to one of the more further a field LFS, in stock they have the most amazing little GSP's at 3.25 Uk sterling (don't have the pound sign on here). Just wanted to know if you all thought that was a fair price and what...
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    New to Brackish fish, help wanted!

    Thanks CFC. I'm going to have to see if i can get these ordered in for me, one last question though. To do as much as possible to prevent disputes which should be added first, the puffer or eel? I'll keep you all posted with the progress! Daniel
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    New to Brackish fish, help wanted!

    Thanks CFC, i was hoping you'd see this thread. It wasnt actually the moray eels i was looking into so the various spiny eels are something i will research further. With regards compatability, how would a zigzag spiny eel (latin name??) get on with a F8 puffer? Daniel
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    New to Brackish fish, help wanted!

    Thanks Nethius. I like the idea of a F8 puffer, what about the eel?
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    New to Brackish fish, help wanted!

    Hey everybody, I've kept freshwater fish now for a while and have a 90G setup at the moment. I now have a 28UKG tank which i would like to be brakcish. It has a 200W heater with a RESUN 700 internal filter. The substrate is gravel with 2 pieces of mopani wood and 2 pieces of slate as decor...
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    Well if we go by the inch of fish for every gallon rule then: 10G: 3 X CORYDORAS (3 x 2in = 6inches) 3 X PLATIES (3 x 2in = 4inches) 1 X MALE BETTA (1 x 3in = 3inches) Total of 13inches so yes you are slightly overstocked. From my breakdown you can see where and then decide what...
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    what would you put in a 10,000g tank?

    The one betta was a funny idea. Imagine having a 36ft long tank and trying to find the betta! lol. 500 oscars would be cool.... Orrr like 2000 cories, 2000 hatchetfish and 5000 neons. Or a DP tank with like 100 of them in. It'd be ace, there are so many combos its unreal! You could have...
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    are all the "rules" really important?

    Tiggs if you put one person in a massive house with all the food they want, what will happen? People are sociable, as are minnows and so whilst a person might survive in a big house, but generally with no other human company they will be unhappy. It is exactly the same for fish. You say a...
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    2ft Tank

    Really nice tank. What fish ya got in there? Again, don't know the plant. dman
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    new betta vase

    I like the frog, he/she's really cool. I've only ever kept Claw frogs and frogs are just generally cool! The picture looks like mid-jump aswel so well timed! dman
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    what fish can i get

    Just to quickly answer your question if you cannot for some bizarre reason post in chit-chat. No, do not add anymore fish. Clown loaches can reach 12", you are already really overstocked, approximately 4 times the recommended level. I would advise you decide on which fish you desperately want to...
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    My tank is 81F at the moment, unfortunately there aint a lot i can do but as of yet the fish have been fine. I have been adding colder, tap safe'd water periodically but with the room temperature being so high naturally the water is too. Altho 81F, IME, thats stil (just) a safe temp for...
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    I left my fish for 5 days

    Karah's Mommy, no-one is saying it is beneficial, it is simply not detrimental to their health. Leaving fish without food for a week is not something people would recommend but if it has to be done then the fish will come to no harm. With fat reserves in abundance for well cared fish and living...
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    I left my fish for 5 days

    That's quite an odd post really redtailblackshark. I think it has been made quite obvious that fish are fine when left for that sort of time so there really isnt any point in saying that especially as so many of the experts on here said it would be fine. I'd listen, they know what theyre talking...
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    Crocodile Gars?

    That is wicked! One day, i'll have a super huge tank with some gars in it lol. Thanks for the info Clare. Dman99
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    Could you do better?

    If i started my own LFS i would give it a personality. Each member of staff would have a piece of laminated paper with their picture and information with regards their expertise and at the front of the shop there would be a big board that says 'Working today..' so customers instantly are...
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    Chocolate gouramis

    Thanks for all the help sylvia! The tank is approximately 20G, and it is seperate to the main tank so once eggs are laid (fingers crossed) the parents will be moved out of the tank. I have a flow adjuster on the filter so there is minimal current, there is also a piece of slate directly over...
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    The agasizii habitat

    Really beautiful, its a tough call between rams and agasizii's, both really nice but ur male is really really nice. *Envious* :) dman
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    Changed my Malawi tank layout

    Wow! That first pic is awesome. Really nice setups, the africans look great! dman
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    tanks finally have backgrounds

    Really nice tank! Nice plants and just generally, the background adds a cool effect as opposed to without one.. :) dman
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    What do you feed your oddballs?

    I feed my fish a mixture of live and frozen. I just try and vary it, sometimes il buy some shrimp altho less so now than before because most of my older oddballs are not with me anymore. I used to love watching the DP's eating, a wicked sight! dman
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    Oscar's Rate them or Hate them??????

    Theyre my fave fish in the world lol. I love them. Their personalities are wicked, everything about them is cool. As juveniles theyre gorgeous, as adults less so but if you have an adult oscar that uve had since he/she was a juvenile then to u theyre gorgeous. 10/10, Synirr, that oscar is...
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    new oscar

    I love oscars! How are the doing now? Mine's growing like crazy, almost 3 inches now and he was nowhere near that size when i bought him. They have to be one of the smartest fish out there! dman
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    pictures of my tank

    I've been following this thread from the start and it has been one hell of a heated debate! Loates really has had a lot of help with regards the tank, there really isnt much more we can say. That's just flaring, happens all the times... anyone with bettas will tell ya that. Hope ur tanks ok...
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    Which fish catch your eye?

    For me its catfish and oddballs, the fish i know i cant have! The unusual plecs or different catfish. When we get them delivered at work i'm like aww if only i could have one more.... But no, must stop myself! dman
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    glo lites

    Yup, Glolight Tetras are stictly natural.
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    Yeah nice tank! I just simply tape my backgrounds on and ive not had any problems yet. Altho its annoying when the tape gets wet.
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    Starting Community Neon

    It all depends on what else you want in there! A good size shoal in a 35 would be 8-12 neons. Then you still have room for a shoal of cories should you wish and something for the top layer of the tank... You could assign 10 inches of fish per layer and have a centrepiece. For example, 8 neons...
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    Grrr.....How many times can I change my mind?

    55G is a good sized tank. You could get something like 2 male swordtails, 6 female swordtails. A pair of rams, shoal of corydoras and..... I'm stuck, just trying to cover the different layers. 8 Swordies 8 Cories 2 Rams 1 Bristlenose 8 Marbled Hatchetfish With good quality filtration and some...
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    sad story...

    That sucks! Funny story tho :) dman
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    Tank finally up and running and going well.

    Lovin' those fish! Well done for getting served first lol. dman
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    Might be working at LFS...

    It depends on what the store is aimed at, if it has other pets like small animals and exotic reptiles etc you might yourself doing and learning alsorts of things. Where i work, i have to provide advice on the fish, clean the fish, use the till, clean the shop, feed the animals... Basically a bit...
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    choosing the correct algae eater

    Keep it going Wolf!
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    Multi tank syndrome- how quickly do you succumb

    Lol, i had exactly the same feeling when i sold my 50's, space was everywhere! Just perfect for a new 90 lol.
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    Have to agree with cheese specialist. Whilst there is no question you are going to put those plecs into ur 125, you are going to be very limited with regards other fish..
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    New 55 gallon tank

    Black neons are cool little fish. We've got some in at work, they seem to be very popular. My brother has some in his tank.... A big shoal with a shoal of neon tetras, looks wicked. dman