Starting Community Neon


Jan 26, 2005
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australia sydney
Hey guys starting a 35gallon community tank, i thinking of getting some Neon Tetra's. How many should i get and what's some good fish to go with them? B)
No less that 6. Many fish can go with them but not angels as they may eat the neons. Same might go for other large fish. Also, don't add them straight away as they are not very hardy.

As for what to go with them, it comes down to what fish you like.
It all depends on what else you want in there!

A good size shoal in a 35 would be 8-12 neons. Then you still have room for a shoal of cories should you wish and something for the top layer of the tank... You could assign 10 inches of fish per layer and have a centrepiece. For example, 8 neons, 4/5 cories, 8 hatchets and er lol there are so many options. I wouldn't recommend getting less than 8 neons though.

Hope that helps :)

when getting neon is it best to get say 6 on the exact same neon?? or can it be from the same family by a different type?
Sunny.C said:
when getting neon is it best to get say 6 on the exact same neon?? or can it be from the same family by a different type?
There are only neons and black neons as far as I am aware. Black neons are bigger than normal and I am not sure they would shoal. You'd need at least 6 of one kind.
i have black neons and they are a shoaling fish i also have some neon neons too. both of them are fine with each other but like prev posts u need at least 6 of each kind
i used to have 6 neons and they didn't shoal a lot, now ive got 12 they do a little more. cardinals and neons together look interesting adding depth and size variation.
apratly some on on here black neone are actually a differnt fish not simply a differnt colur??

there are also grenn neons as well and gold i belive tho the gold could be an albino form???
Black neons are a completely different fish to neons, they are not related.

I would say a shoal of 16-18 would look good in that tank size.

If you got a shoal of about 10-12 however you may have better chance of them shoaling together because there is only a small group of them in a large tank size..
Well i gonna start with putting some plants into my tank first, then i will start of with say 6-8 neons and see how i go from there. Sound good?
I would get 10!!!! I love neons!!!! You could get any kind of non aggressive fish that doesn't have a "tempting" tail for the neons. They tend to nip at long tails. You might get other tetras, live bearer ( be careful yoou are promised fry with live bearers!), White clouds... A whole lot of fish!

Would ten shoal good in a 29 gallon??? That's the size i have now. I had 4 but 3 died :-( so I need to get some more friends for the remaining 1...
10 neons? how many can my tank take???
I am thinking of putting about 20 fish in there all up with plants...
Is this to much?? or could it take more?

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