New 55 gallon tank

sounds good to me :) .

think i will definitely try the black neons out and see how they go.

am swaying now more towards a BLACK and SILVER theme 'cos am having difficulty finding compatible white fish :crazy:

Silver gives me so many more options.

cheers DD

I just got some panda cories and, while they are completely darling, they are not really black and white ... more like light brown and really dark brown. I also have some Julii cory's, which are slightly larger ... well I suppose it looks brown in my avatar but in person they are more black and white

Silver fish.. Silver dollars? I have 2 in a 55, problem is though they really ought to be in a bigger tank and a bigger school and they can get to 8 inches. :dunno:

hmmmm... go with the tetras I think :)
Supersalmon said:
How about a small shoal of penguin tetras
Yeah...never thought of them.

Right, so my "wishlist" now is as follows: -

2 x Black Angels
6-8 x Glass Catfish
6-8 x Black Neons
6-8 x Penguin Tetras
6-8 x Corys (of some variety)
3-4 x loaches (again of some variety)

Sounds like a nicely stocked tank to me.

What do ya reckon? Could I fit any more in or should I leave the list alone now??

You could add more to the bottom, the top/middle seems well stocked. Watch out for pengiun tetra. Mine are nasty little buggers! They used to attack my SAE's, something to do with their patterning I think)! (SAEs'd be a good choice too btw)
Upper level you could have marbeled hatchet fish, which would come under your black and silver theme. Or for other levels Opaline gouramis, they look stunning together. Albino corys for the white look - I think they are paler than a lot of other corys anyway. Or C metae or C Melini are also black and cream corys.

I think Penguin tetras are a bad idea with your angels, too nippy for those long fins.
Fiori said:
Upper level you could have marbeled hatchet fish, which would come under your black and silver theme. Or for other levels Opaline gouramis, they look stunning together. Albino corys for the white look - I think they are paler than a lot of other corys anyway. Or C metae or C Melini are also black and cream corys.

I think Penguin tetras are a bad idea with your angels, too nippy for those long fins.
silver hatchets might be better. :) More hardy and more silver. I like silver hatchets. Funny looking dudes. Like a bit of cover for safety though.
my LFS has Black Neons in! :blink:

How bizarre......never heard of or seen them before this thread and I pop into my LFS on the way from home and there they are!! A tank full of the little sods just looking at me!!

Only came in the day before so I have reserved 8 of them to pick up in a couple of weeks (Rather any problems with them occurred in the LFS than in my new tank :X )

Black neons are cool little fish. We've got some in at work, they seem to be very popular. My brother has some in his tank.... A big shoal with a shoal of neon tetras, looks wicked.


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