New to Brackish fish, help wanted!


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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Hey everybody,

I've kept freshwater fish now for a while and have a 90G setup at the moment. I now have a 28UKG tank which i would like to be brakcish. It has a 200W heater with a RESUN 700 internal filter. The substrate is gravel with 2 pieces of mopani wood and 2 pieces of slate as decor.

I've been researching brackish fish and really like the look of archers, scats, monos, puffers, gobies and eels etc. Obviously i have to pick my stock list very carefully but is there any possible eel/ puffer cobination? If not then i will have to rethink. I'd like to know a more about brackish puffers and eels, species, suitability etc. I love scats, monos and archerfish but from the research i have done so far they wouldnt be suitable for a tank this small. The dimensions are 36x18x12 working in inches. I would like to know a little more about brackish birchirs aswell if anyone has any knowledge of them :)

DMan99 said:
I love scats, monos and archerfish but from the research i have done so far they wouldnt be suitable for a tank this small.

That is correct

Your best bet would be a F8 or two, and some bumblebee gobies (possibly other gobies as well, but i only have experience with bb's)
Thanks Nethius. I like the idea of a F8 puffer, what about the eel?
You could go with one of the smaller spiney eel species such as the peacock or zig zag eel which will tollerate low brackish enviroments but if you are thinking of the brackish moray eels then these get too big for your tank.
Thanks CFC, i was hoping you'd see this thread. It wasnt actually the moray eels i was looking into so the various spiny eels are something i will research further. With regards compatability, how would a zigzag spiny eel (latin name??) get on with a F8 puffer?

With regards compatability, how would a zigzag spiny eel (latin name??) get on with a F8 puffer?

That all depends on the puffer, some are quite tollerent of tankmates while others can be unholy terrors. Be sure to have a sand substrate of at least 2.5" so that should the puffer start to be nasty the eel can quickly bury itself out of harms way.

Mastacembelus circumcinctus is the scientific name for the zig zag spiney eel.
Thanks CFC.

I'm going to have to see if i can get these ordered in for me, one last question though. To do as much as possible to prevent disputes which should be added first, the puffer or eel?

I'll keep you all posted with the progress!


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