sad story...


Fish Herder
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
western ny, USA
Well there was this 20 year old who was sitting in his apartment on his computer one boring Sunday afternoon, chatting on TFF of course. He just so happened to glance across the street and see his neighbors putting a table out for the trash. He didn't think anything of it.

Three hours go by, and a nasty storm passes through. After it cleared, this 20 year old notices someone is actually going to take the ugly table. But, wait, this table doesn't look much like an ordinary has a cloth draped over the top of it. The person who wants it lifts the cover and smiles. He immediatly walks up to the house and knocks on the door...the 20 year old sits calmly, keys in hand, putting flip-flops on, ready to pounce, hoping that nobody answers the door and the people leave without the table...why?

Because after glancing at this table off and on for over 3 hours, it never occurred to him that it was actually a 29gallon fish tank and stand for free. How stupid can you be?!

The lesson to be learned is three-fold:
1) If it doesn't look like a table, it is probably a fish tank.
2) Even though the 20 year old (obviously me) knows he doesn't need a fish tank, a free tank and stand could always come in handy.
3) What is junk to everyone else is a treasure to poor college students like me!

Sorry all, you may not think it is a sad story, but it was for me :/
Hi abstract

Oh, you poor thing! If that happened to me, I'd be crying! :-(
Yes, that is a sad story--- But you made me laugh, too! (It was the way that you told the story.)

Sometimes the stuff people put out for free (or throw away) is nicer than the junk some people try to sell at their lawn sales!!

Hopefully something cool like that will come along again! (Maybe they have more fishy stuff to throw out!!)
yea i meant to make you all laugh...since i was laughing to myself! i mean, what kind of table has a top that is over 12" tall? :rolleyes: :crazy:
:rofl: sorry I shouldn't laugh as I'd be crying if that happened to me. But thanks for sharing with us ;) Better luck next time ;)
good point form squrrile tho. maybe go talk to ur neighbours about there fish and if they have soemthing to get rid of next time they may think of u
you never actually stated that the people answered the door and they took the table.

i take it they did though? :)
Dragonscales said:
Why didn't you go grab it while the dolt was knocking at the door? :blink: :huh:

I would have :shifty: :whistle:
believe me, i was considering it...

the owners never did answer the door...i assume the people taking it were going to offer them money or ask if it was free, and hoped they would leave and come back later if nobody answered...unfortunately, when they realized nobody was home it was in their car in under a minute!

good point form squrrile tho. maybe go talk to ur neighbours about there fish and if they have soemthing to get rid of next time they may think of u

only problem with that is i am moving after the end of july to a new apartment, and i'll be damned if i'm moving more than 3 (filled) tanks! lol

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