I left my fish for 5 days

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Looking at Karah's profile, she spends most of her time in the Betta forums, so she's probably on her way round to "rescue" your fish right now!
There must have been a massive amount of dog urine and feces!
If i had of went away for 5 days, i would get someone to feed my fish, you are very lucky that they are all alive, you should be very thankful
Glad, but not surprised, that your fish are OK. You did have someone watching your mammals though, right?

Fish are cold blooded and as such if food is scarce their metabolism will lower and they will not consume as much energy, thereby lowering their food requirements. They also can forage quite a bit from inside the tank itself, especially if you have live plants.
It takes much longer for a fish to starve to death, or even have negative effects from lack of food, than any mammal. I'm sorry to say this but anyone who thinks leaving a fish for 5 days without food harms the fish, you are wrong. Please research a bit before you jump all over someone and make yourself look foolish.
Indeed Undawada, it seems that after my previous post people such as "redtailblackshark" actually think they know what they are talking about.

Wow, a very heated debate after a completely innocent first post!!

When I first started my tank I unfortunately hadn't heard of cycling!! Yes, I know I'm an idiot. Anyway I was hardly feeding my fish at all for a few weeks when ammonia was peaking and they did absolutely fine.

As for the cat and dog, having read some of the other posts from Angry_Platy in the past I very much doubt they were just left to their own devices. Doesn't seem the type.
When I go on vacation, I just leave the cans of dog and cat food beside thier bowls along with the can opener and tell them not to eat but one can a day or they won't have anything for the last part of the week. I also leave the fish food on top of the tank so they can help them selves too. :lol:

Seriously though, this thread got really strange in a hurry. I was gone for a week earlier this month. My son fed the fish and my parents kept the dog and cat and fed them. Not a big deal to leave the fish for a week. Angry_Platy, you probably had a REALLY clean tank when you got back. That's usually the case.
That's quite an odd post really redtailblackshark. I think it has been made quite obvious that fish are fine when left for that sort of time so there really isnt any point in saying that especially as so many of the experts on here said it would be fine. I'd listen, they know what theyre talking about.
Glad to hear everyone was fine. I'm sure you were worried, I am always worried when I leave my fish... I'm sure their happy that your home! :)
Welcome back! Glad to hear they did OK, hopefully they didn't have any wild parties while you were gone. (Or at least they cleaned up the evidence if they did!).
[quote name='Karah's_Mommy' date='Jun 20 2005, 05:06 AM'] I can't believe you'd go away for five days and not have someone feed your fish or at least use a weekend feeder pellet or such. I'm surprised you have fish that are alive and even more surprised you'd come post something like that on the boards. [/quote]
Give me a break. The fish will feed off of other stuff in the tank and it will last them a few days, and the fish can go a short period after that without food and be perfectly fine. Some people don't feed their fish for three days for their digestive system to clean up.
LoachLover said:
Some people don't feed their fish for three days for their digestive system to clean up.
As a matter of fact, that is usually the treatment for fish with constipation symptoms. I have successfully treated several corys that way.
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