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  1. Harlequins

    Constructive Criticism

    I voted indifferent.... :) People old & new need to realise we were all newbies at some stage and had all the usual problems with cycling,fish problems etc etc... I love reading peoples different opinions & constructive critism,makes you think about what your doing,whilst learning all the time...
  2. Harlequins

    Panda Fry Log

    Update on these babes,now over 6 months old and still doing well :good: And pretty certain i will keep them for the time being has i can't bear to let the lfs have them,only for them possibly going into an uncycled tank and not surviving... :unsure:
  3. Harlequins

    Corys And Salt

    Salt in a no-no where cories are concerned,they don't tolerate it at all well.
  4. Harlequins

    Baby Pictures!

    Good luck with your fry,always a possibility they turn out to be bronze fry :rolleyes: :lol: my albinos gave me loads of both albino & bronze,the latter lot were all bronze :rolleyes: I hope they are the delphax though :)
  5. Harlequins

    Albino Cory Eggs

    Try this one Breeding corydoras :good:
  6. Harlequins

    Albino Cory Eggs

    Yep the only way to improve their chances is to save the eggs and rear them separately.
  7. Harlequins

    Active Pandas!

    Sounds pretty normal,especially for panda's :lol:
  8. Harlequins

    Hmm? Infertile Males Or Young Corys...

    Thanks Inchworm :) Yep daily doses of bloodworm etc ,seems to be spurring them into breeding,i know when i bought them a while ago they were quite small,and have grown nicely and filled out since. I haven't seen them anywhere else local,but i'll see how they go,the store has sold out atm,so...
  9. Harlequins

    Hmm? Infertile Males Or Young Corys...

    Thanks baccus :) The tank temp is around 23 degrees has this hopefully is ideal for the metae's has i read they prefer lower temperature... They are at it again :rolleyes: pity about eggs ...perhaps they're still experimenting :lol:
  10. Harlequins

    Hmm? Infertile Males Or Young Corys...

    Well for the past 3-4 weeks i've got my bandit(metae) corys to spawn, i have been saving the eggs,but none of the eggs want to hatch... I'm not doing things any different to my usual egg either my males are infertile or the corys are still to young to breed properly... Heres hoping...
  11. Harlequins

    I Gots Babies!

    Albino fry are very pale and do have a peach/pink tinge to them. Look on this albino fry , shows my newly hatched albino fry :)
  12. Harlequins

    I Gots Babies!

    Even with a cycled filter the readings can spike with the extra feeds the growing fry have...also keep the bottom clean from uneaten food :good: I use the water from the parent tank whilst they are tiny,then use fresh dechlorinated when they're a few weeks old.
  13. Harlequins

    I Gots Babies!

    Keeps the water quality good(surprising how readings can spike) also doing small w/c's encourages growth in the fry has they release hormones into the water,which may stunt their growth :)
  14. Harlequins

    I Gots Babies!

    Well done & congrats on your new fry :good: Keep up the daily w/c on the fry tank and they'll soon grow :nod:
  15. Harlequins

    Panda Cory Breeding? Help And Advice Please

    Panda eggs are not yellow,they're white/creamy colour and quite large compared to other cory eggs... and go dark beige colour to near black by the 5th day when they're due to hatch. Also corys don't lay eggs on the floor.. Can you get a pic up of the eggs? - makes me wonder if its shrimp eggs?
  16. Harlequins

    Happy Corys :)

    Mine leave craters :lol: looks just like a dog in a hole burying a bone :rolleyes: :lol:
  17. Harlequins

    Cory Options For New Tank

    They would love their own space :good: go for it :lol:
  18. Harlequins

    Mixing Cory's

    Mine pretty much hang out together, they do have their little groups of the same species which stick together,but personally in a tank,unless you have a huge shoal of one species,you probably wont find they shoal that much has a unit. The only time i've seen it recently is when i had 20 bronze...
  19. Harlequins

    What Are The Easiest Corys To Keep?

    All corys are the easiest to keep it given the right environment,i have many different species and all seem to thrive for me... :)
  20. Harlequins

    Cory Options For New Tank

    Where there's a will,there's a way... :lol: i'm sure you could squeeze it in somewhere ;) :whistle: :lol:
  21. Harlequins

    Cory Options For New Tank

    Pandas are probably smaller compared to Tri's (false julii)more than likely to tri's has opposed to true julii's. Both cories are excellent,although i would say the pandas are more active & out in the open compared to the tri's... Has regards your pygmys,i have 15 and not very often see...
  22. Harlequins

    Panda Corydoras, Deilcate?

    Wild caught pandas i think are more sensitive to tank set ups,whereas tank bred are more hardy in my opinion. Has with most corys,they prefer cooler temps 22-24 degrees being ideal for them.
  23. Harlequins

    Corys Wafer Madness

    Thanks :)
  24. Harlequins

    Peru Gold Stripe Corys

    They're lush Tizer :drool: My yearnings are the green lasers atm :lol:
  25. Harlequins

    Corys Wafer Madness

    Thanks :lol: - i love watching the gold lasers going in over the top has in pic 2 :lol:
  26. Harlequins

    Corys Wafer Madness

    Thanks :)
  27. Harlequins

    New Adolfi Corys.

    Thanks :)
  28. Harlequins

    Corys Wafer Madness

    Here's a few pics of my corys going nuts over hikari sinking wafers.... :lol:
  29. Harlequins

    Anyone Want To Rant? About Anything? I Do.

    Has a driver who pays road tax,why do cyclists have their own boxes at the front of traffic lights and their own cycle lanes etc etc and pay nowt for their use...also why can a horse deposit faeces by the cart load whether on path or road & leaves it,yet if your dog does it the owner gets...
  30. Harlequins

    New Adolfi Corys.

    Well they certainly shy :rolleyes: the metae's were like this until they settled... Heres some pics of them feasting on mini bw in between the metae's & panda youngsters. :rolleyes:
  31. Harlequins

    Attempting To Breed My Metae Corys...

    Well the bandits have been leaving random eggs around,but seem to be infertile,anyway i finally found an egg that may be good,its alot darker than the other 5 i've found :rolleyes: Here's a pic of the eggs i found today after their weekly clean :) Could possibly be 2 good eggs,has the one...
  32. Harlequins

    Panda Advice Needed...

    Try feeding a little less,i use one cube of mini bw for all my tank,so a cube for 9 may have bloated them a bit,i know mine bloat out if they eat too much bw. Having a big tank with lots of room,food can easily go amiss if the cories are busy elsewhere,my cories,especially the pandas like...
  33. Harlequins

    Corry Eggs

    Make sure you have good air flow around the eggs to stop any fungas on them :good: air stone is good for this. Have a read here,very useful info :)
  34. Harlequins

    I Have Corys Again!

    No not that rare,can be seen around different lfs' ,just hard to breed :rolleyes: Mine were bought from a Cadburys garden centre,who has signs up saying it uses uk breeders only not imports... :unsure:
  35. Harlequins

    Venezuela's Cory

    Ebay did have some on there a few days ago...
  36. Harlequins

    I Have Corys Again!

    On my adolfi thread , £30 for 3
  37. Harlequins

    Happy Birthday Ludwig Venter

    :bday: Have a good day :band: :cake:
  38. Harlequins

    New Adolfi Corys.

    Thanks all :) Well when they come out of hiding,i'll snap a pic :rolleyes:
  39. Harlequins

    I Have Corys Again!

    Very nice jayne :good: Tad expensive though,i got mine for £5 each,still nice cories.:)
  40. Harlequins

    New Adolfi Corys.

    I bought some new additions today,i wanted these adolfi corys a few months ago,but was put off by their stumpy barbels,anyway they had a few more in since,so i've bought 3 so far,quite expensive 3 for £32. But used some of me birthday money :) I'll upload some pics when they've settled :nod: