Albino Cory Eggs


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
ohio, united states
So for the 5th time my albino corys have laid eggs on my plants and the walls of my tank ( I have watched them do it). I have yet to see a baby however the first batch got gobbled by guppys,platys, and mollies (while still eggs) I just did a massive purge of the tank and swapped loads of the guppys and platys out so the tank is way less crowded and I am hoping this batch will go uneaten. The tank has loads of places babys can hide but I am concerned about my filters sucking them up. So I am going to do what I do for my lobsters and cover the intake with a pair of nylons. Is there any thing else I can do to give the little guys a fighting chance.
Remove the eggs into a plastic tub for a few weeks then into their own tank. They stay small and "food size" for a very long time and its highly unlikey they will survive.
Yep the only way to improve their chances is to save the eggs and rear them separately.
Hi Binge,

Take a look at this article one of our members wrote. It will give you a lot of good information that will get you going. Then come back and ask more questions. We will be happy to help you. :)
Okay I read the post I will hafto see if I can set up my breeder box one of the hangers on it broke I do not have an extra tank right now because my 5 gallon is houseing 3 juvi lobsters since moma just hatched another batch.
Congrats Binge on the eggs, I hope they make it. I see loads of people are posting about eggs at the moment, and lots are having success with raising them :good: Plenty of good advice to be had here.

I currently have two little fry in the breeding net at the moment, eating well and getting bigger - just at the stage where they are more like mini fish than tadpoles. There are a couple more in the main tank getting towards half adult size.

My peppered cories were spawning again this morning (without prompting by a cold water change) but I only saw three eggs, and the most I have ever seen is about ten. I see Harlequins and others have mentioned dozens, if not hundreds of eggs!

How many eggs would you normally expect at a time for a group of five adult peppered cories with only one female?

Sorry for the thread hijack, by the way :look:
I dunno what you should have but each time my albinosm try it is 30-50 looks like. I actually have access to my 5 gallon I can put the eggs in now. Kinda want a heater for it before I move them. Also when I move them will it hurt them if they are exposed to the air.? will I want the air stone beneath them to increase water movement around them?
I just scraped the eggs into the net, then suspended the net with the eggs under the filter outflow. I'm sure the air stone would accomplish the same thing. This also keeps the eggs underwater nearly all the time. Good luck!

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