This Old Spouse
TOTM Winner May 2013
Here's a couple shots of my baby cory.
May I suggest keeping substrate even though they are hard to see.
I first did bare botoom because I couldn't see them with sand. I had very many deaths, like 80% of them. As soon as I added in substrate I had almost no deaths at all. Substrate is really handy for cories as they are bottom dwellers and the glass accumulates bacteria... just my experience.
Otherwise cute little buggers. What kind?
Now I want to post piccies of mine.
yes i know what you mean... My sand is very "multigrain" so it is hard to see them. I too wanted white sand, or even black (easy to spot fungusy things!!) but I can't get locallyMay I suggest keeping substrate even though they are hard to see.
I first did bare botoom because I couldn't see them with sand. I had very many deaths, like 80% of them. As soon as I added in substrate I had almost no deaths at all. Substrate is really handy for cories as they are bottom dwellers and the glass accumulates bacteria... just my experience.
Otherwise cute little buggers. What kind?
Now I want to post piccies of mine.
I might try to find white sand, then. The play sand we get here is anything BUT uniform color, and I swear when one of the fry stops moving, it disappears right before my eyes!! They are getting big enough at this point where it's easier every day to see them.
Some of these are peppered, and I think two or three are delphax! The bigger ones are from a batch that I took from my 55g that I thought certainly had to be albino because I have 18 of them and only 4 delphax. But now those fry, 2 days younger than the peppers, are at least twice the size of the peppers and also have distinct colors, unlike albinos. I really, really hope they're delphax. I'd love to have more of them! I think I've got enough albinos