Panda Advice Needed...


Fish Herder
Jun 14, 2011
Reaction score
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Posted this in Tropical Discussion last night as its been a bit dead in this section for the last few days, but no-ones seems to be able to help :( Any help appreciated.

I bought some Corys on Saturday, 10 in total, has one DOA, and the rest went in fine, happy swimming about and terrorising the cherry shrimp that have a 4ft to them selves for a week.

Probably worth mentioning;

75 gal was set up for two weeks with cycled Fluval U2 to keep 5 shrimp happy while i kept a cycled external churning an empty 2ft, while i waited to get fish. Shrimp were a gift, still thriving and have eggs. The external was happily taking 5ppm Ammonia in 12 hours.

I put the external in the 75 on Friday morning, fully cycled. Tested 24hrs later, and water was fine.

Fish as above went in fine. They had been fed at the store about and hour prior to me buying them, so i didnt feed until Sunday morning. I threw in a defrosted cube of BBS + Spirulina, as this is what they were fed on at the store. There were also a few mini bloodworm in the bottom of their store tank, so i picked them up some of these too. The guy in the store was a decent young bloke, not your typical #14###.


They don't seem to be eating much. Ive tried throwing in crushed Tetra Prima, but i honestly cant see they're eating much. Am i over feeding for a group this size? One cube of frozen BBS or BW am, prima pm.

As above, its a 75gal 4ft, and there are 9 Corydoras Panda (about 1") and 5 shrimp in there. (Im stocking it slowly, 14 days min between each introduction). They seem more active than i remember, in terms of flying up and down the walls of the tank. No gulping of air, just swimming up and down, one or two at a time. Is this normal? No closer than 4" from the top...

Are they just taking advantage of the space?

I've adjusted the spraybar for more movement at the top and thrown in a new air disc just in case!
Try feeding a little less,i use one cube of mini bw for all my tank,so a cube for 9 may have bloated them a bit,i know mine bloat out if they eat too much bw.

Having a big tank with lots of room,food can easily go amiss if the cories are busy elsewhere,my cories,especially the pandas like dancing in front of the glass,up & down,reminds me of kamikazi pilots :rolleyes: :lol:
Perfectly normal behaviour from the sound of it, pandas do like to explore new tanks, they will settle down in a few days im sure. I wouldnt worry about the air disc, corys are quite happy to zip to the top and take gulps of air. As for feeding. if you got 9 corys and a few shrimp, drop in a dozen bits of Tetra Prima daily, the odd algae wafer to go with it, some flake as an alternative to the prima and some mini bloodworms on the weekends (half a cube). Should see them stay fit and healthy and if they polish everything off up the feed a little bit more.

I feed 5 cubes of mini bloodworm in my tank, its gone in about 2 minutes :D But i do have a lot of fishies :)

These are worth trying too, all my fish love them.
my corys did the same when first brought home. they will get into a routine eventually.

also, imo, only feed once a day.
Schweet, cheers guys! Im looking at this while working :)hey:), so will have a better read later, but i have at home a pot of algae wafers, a pot of Tetra flake (bog standad goldie stuff)a big pot of Tetro Prima, and a ton of frozen MBW and BBS. Will try feeding as above moving forward!

Thanks again!
Right, ive been home and i still have the same number i left in the tank this morning, so we're making progress. A few of them are still zipping up and down the sides of the tank. The cat finds it more interesting than the TV, which stops her sitting on the unit in front of it. Handy.

Ive fed Prima + Flake and tested tonight. Will feed this every night moving forward, with maybe a BBS sat, MBW on sun? NH4 @ 0ppm, NO2 @ 0ppm. Nitrates at about 20ppm, but i did a 50% WC last night, so this was expected to be low today.

Thanks again Guys, you've made me feel a lot easier :)

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