Search results

  1. Gazoo

    How Often Do You Fear Your Tanks Breaking/leaking?

    I see that I'm in a minority. Not even once have I considered it! :D
  2. Gazoo

    I Have Never Seen Something So Bad

    I am by no means an expert on this subject but I thought I would respond since your post has jumped to page 2. I wonder if it is an anchor worm? :dunno: If it is, I wouldn't suggest pulling it off because you will probably leave the head in the fish and the anchor worm will survive. This needs...
  3. Gazoo

    Is There A Small Fish That Will Eat Algae Off The Glass?

    Do you think you have spot algae? pinned Guide To Algae If it is, I don't think any fish will remove it. You will have to muscle it off. :flex:
  4. Gazoo

    Can We All Stop Jumping On Everyone?

    I see this attitude towards older members as well.
  5. Gazoo

    Why Do People Feel The Need!

    I used to agree with you spudgun2k but I now see it from jayjay's perspective. Using a scientific name is a sure way to describe a unique fish no matter where you are from. I suppose sometimes the scientific name rolls off some peoples tongues easier than others because of the amount time spent...
  6. Gazoo

    Best Book For Identification.

    I don't know if it's the "best" book for identification but I am impressed with my 500 Freshwater Aquarium Fish book. I like it since it's dimension is small (6.5" x 6.5"), has 528 pages and contains great pictures along with concise information about any fish that I would probably ever ever...
  7. Gazoo

    Make Cucumber Sink...

    You my friend, are a super-genius! :teacher: Up until now, I thought the only way to make it sink was nuking or adding weight to it. I just removed the seeds, gave it a big squeeze and it sunk like a rock.
  8. Gazoo

    First Time Seachem Prime Users

    Before I had bought Prime (Seachem's water conditioner), I had heard that it would smell stinky. For those that didn't hear or read this before you bought it, were you surprised by the smell (P.U.! :S) and think something was wrong with it?
  9. Gazoo


    I hope the little dude is doing OK. I think I felt the same way when I was sucked up by aliens during my sleep last night. At least it didn't get probed like me! :blink: :lol:
  10. Gazoo

    Hikari Pellets!

    I'm also big fan of Hikari (Betta Bio-Gold) pellets. I'm finding that my betta likes Hikari Micro Waffers as well. :P
  11. Gazoo

    What Would You Add With A Betta In A 7 Gallon?

    I have a male betta in a 7 (US) gallon tank with a 50 watt heater and an AquaClear mini power filter. I'm thinking of adding a snail. What would you add? :)
  12. Gazoo

    Crab On A Stick!

    Very fun pictures. :snap: I thought I was going to see a new appetizer (crab-on-a-stick) from Red Lobster. ;)
  13. Gazoo

    Monos And Gsp Have Grown

    No, I can't see it. ;) Thanks for the update CardBoardBoxProcessor. :)
  14. Gazoo

    Need Help On Tetra Marine Test Kit

    I copied and saved this a couple of years ago from a post. The person contacted Tetra by e-mail and this was the response they received: The kits have a five-year shelf life. Once you open them you should discard them after a year. If you would like us to trouble shoot further please call...
  15. Gazoo


    The first week I had my blue rams they would only take food that was falling near the lower half or would wait until it hit the bottom. Since I had top feeding rasboras it didn't seem like they were getting their share when they ate from the bottom. They soon started taking food from the mid and...
  16. Gazoo

    Best Tankmates

    I added my betta to a 16 gallon with 7 cooper rasboras. They all got along very nice. As far as feeding, since my betta was a mellow dude so I would have to drop his pellets right in front of his mouth otherwise the rasboras would beat him to it.
  17. Gazoo

    Digital Thermometer In/out

    It sounds like you might have the Lifeguard Big Digital Thermometer?? I wonder if your thermometer was incorrectly calibrated. Do you have a standard one to check it against. Or, maybe your heater is off by a few degrees. My heater is off by 5°F when reading its display compared to a...
  18. Gazoo

    Do I Have A Pair Of Blue Rams?

    As you may of seen in a previous post, I purchased two rams a couple of weeks ago. I believe I have a male and female based on their fins and coloring. What do you think I have? They both also have a similar looking thing-a-ma-jigger (reproductive organ?) between their pelvic and anal fins...
  19. Gazoo

    Only Human!

    When I first started keeping fish I had no concept of what cycling a tank meant as well as the need of certain bacteria or test kits. When changing the water (because it stunk), I would rinse all of the media under the faucet until it looked brand new. I'm sure I would go through a min-cycle...
  20. Gazoo

    Ultra Cool Tank

    Unfortunately, I think a lot of marketing people s t r e t c h the truth in order to sell something. :/ As they say, "buyer beware".
  21. Gazoo

    Monos And Gsp Have Grown

    Nice images Flumpus. When looking at the second picture I couldn't help but noticing something else. In the upper right corner I see a dog winking its left eye. :D This reminded me of how a natural formation on Mars looks like a human face. :alien:
  22. Gazoo

    Do You Use Carbon In Your Filter?

    I used to replace it every month in my AquaClears and spent a small fortune. After finding this site and reading comments I now only use it for reasons as Darkmoon Bettas stated. Rather than buying AquaClear ($$) branded stuff, I bought a small bulk container of activated carbon and use it in...
  23. Gazoo

    White Gel Like Substance?

    Does it look something like this?
  24. Gazoo

    Dechlorinator/conditioner Recommendations? Uk

    Can you get Seachem Prime in the UK? If so, it definitely offers the biggest bang for the buck, 5 mL per 50 (US) gallons.
  25. Gazoo

    Christmas Present

    It's funny, I suggested a puny digital thermometer. :whistle: Now that I look at the question a second time, I see that the question was best present . After I see this huge aquarium; I think why not think BIG! :hyper:
  26. Gazoo

    Photos Of My Cory's!

    Nice pictures of your corys 16vGTI. I especially like the fourth picture. Are you using auto or manual focus. :snap: PS, I'm guessing you are a VW fan. :)
  27. Gazoo

    May Have Popeye

    When my cory developed popeye I tested the water and realized that my numbers were high since I was being lax and not doing water changes like I should. :blush: I'm not saying you are doing the same thing but it is a good reminder for people who raise corys, especially when they notice their...
  28. Gazoo

    Little Mr. Big Stuff

    I bought a pair of blue rams five days ago and they are the first cichlids I have ever kept. When adding a new plant to the tank today I was surprised with the big attitude my little ram had against my fingers. He doesn't think twice about my rasboras but he bites a human hand. I love it!! :flex:
  29. Gazoo

    German Ram Shots

    You have a gorgeous ram starrynightxxi. Here is a picture of my male. I bought a pair five days ago and they are doing great. :good:
  30. Gazoo

    Prehistoric "jaws"

    I came across this interesting news article earlier today: "Its bite force was double that of a large great white shark putting it up with the most powerful biters ever, such as Tyrannosaurus rex." :crazy:
  31. Gazoo

    Christmas Present

    I think a digital thermometer would make a fun stocking stuffer. :D
  32. Gazoo

    Cleaning Arylic Tank Exterior

    I use a Coralife product called Acrylic Buffer-Polisher with an old face cloth. I remember reading somewhere that it is best to not use an ammonia based cleaner like Windex on acrylic. Edit: added picture
  33. Gazoo

    Advise On Returning Tank.

    I was following your post in Bettas My Webpage and was surprised that PetSmart has such a liberal policy. You sure did get a great "deal", especially if you have another one to do. Since we all look at things in different ways, I don't think...
  34. Gazoo

    I Got Control Of My Tank Back After A Few Years - Need Tips!

    You might also need something that removes chloramine (not to be confused with chlorine) depending on how your water is treated.
  35. Gazoo

    Feeding Snails Veggies

    I have a Ramshorn that I believe gets very little food since when I feed the tank it looks like very little misses my fishes mouths. I have been supplementing its diet with zucchini, cucumber, lettuce and lima beans. My snail will stay glued to the veggie until its gone. Would you take it out...
  36. Gazoo

    Snail Species

    First class post rain-. Nice use of images to help illustrate your text. :drinks:
  37. Gazoo

    Leveling Stand

    Welcome to TFF gcpd065. Take some time and introduce yourself in the newbie area. As long as your tank is level on the stand I would think if you used some shims between the stand and floor you should be fine. On a side note, I'm not sure if you know, but using all caps is considered...
  38. Gazoo

    I Got Control Of My Tank Back After A Few Years - Need Tips!

    First of all, welcome to TFF and I am sorry for the loss of your father. I'll only comment on a few of your questions. I'm sure you will get many other responses that will answer your questions.
  39. Gazoo

    Advise On Bettas New Homes

    Something tells me that they would only replace the tank if it had a defect or maybe if was cracked due to "operator error". I would think they would want to see as proof your broken light fixture in order to replace it. Not to be a wet blanket, but I wouldn't expect to get a $40 deal from a...
  40. Gazoo

    Lifespan Of A Betta

    I have a betta that is ~2.5 years. Should it be having a middle age crisis? How old have your bettas lived?