Photos Of My Cory's!


New Member
Nov 16, 2006
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Hi guys, just wanted to share a few photos of my cory collection. For some reason or another, my fish rarely shoal, but instead kinda intermingle between each other on the aquarium bottom, I'm assuming it's because it's a 20 gallon tank so they're all pretty much within sight of each other anyway. Here are my paleatus, panda, and habrosus cories:





Nice Pictures :good:

By the way, cories will not shoal all the time if they are comfortable with their surroundings. They will come together at times to "play", especially at feeding time.
Great pics, would like to see more when you get the pandas. I will have to post some of my pics up soon
You know, it's funny, other than my bottom dwellers (cory's, kuhli loaches, and a yoyo loach), I've only got 4 hatchetfish. The tank looks so "unbalanced", but I really love the cory's. I've been feeding them frozen bloodworms and brineshrimp, live tubifex and tetra tabimin and let me tell you, they go nuts! As soon as I open the tank lid they call come rushing up to the front of the tank lol. I noticed my peppers and pandas were getting a little thicker this past week and lo and behold, while I'm feeding, one of the peppers starts swimming midwater and sucking on the glass. I stopped to watch her since this wasn't "normal", then I notice her anal fins were clasped together. I spotted an egg between the fins and watched her find a spot for it and she laid it right on the front of the glass about mid water where most of the cory's never go. This was seriously about 5 minutes ago, but dinner was calling for me and I'll check back before I go to bed. Funny thing is, I coulda sworn a couple of my pandas were doing the happy dance as well! :hyper: :hyper:
Awesome pics!

I'm addicted to corys too. Keep wanting more and more.

All ours are different species and they play together sometimes.

And is the happy dance the same as the sexy dance? :blush:
You know, it's funny, other than my bottom dwellers (cory's, kuhli loaches, and a yoyo loach), I've only got 4 hatchetfish. The tank looks so "unbalanced", but I really love the cory's. I've been feeding them frozen bloodworms and brineshrimp, live tubifex and tetra tabimin and let me tell you, they go nuts! As soon as I open the tank lid they call come rushing up to the front of the tank lol. I noticed my peppers and pandas were getting a little thicker this past week and lo and behold, while I'm feeding, one of the peppers starts swimming midwater and sucking on the glass. I stopped to watch her since this wasn't "normal", then I notice her anal fins were clasped together. I spotted an egg between the fins and watched her find a spot for it and she laid it right on the front of the glass about mid water where most of the cory's never go. This was seriously about 5 minutes ago, but dinner was calling for me and I'll check back before I go to bed. Funny thing is, I coulda sworn a couple of my pandas were doing the happy dance as well! :hyper: :hyper:

Keep in mind, if you are wanting to try and raise the fry, Peppered cories will eat their own eggs faster then most other cories.

Dont worry about the tank looking "unbalanced." I have 4 tanks that have only cories and nothing else :D
I have heard that pandas are notorious egg eaters too.

Nice pics. Lovely cories. That's especially nice of the peppers sparkle. Also the Cory snout is adorable.
Nice pictures of your corys 16vGTI.

I especially like the fourth picture. Are you using auto or manual focus. :snap:

PS, I'm guessing you are a VW fan. :)

I'm using Auto focus but on AI Servo mode, but it's kinda cheating since I'm a professional photographer. I'm actually not happy with those photos I shot, but I didn't feel like busting out the studio lighting to take pictures of my fish lol. I'll try that next time. I didn't want the "glare from the flash on the glass" look so I shot no flash. And yes, I'm a VW fan :) About to buy my 3rd VW, a 2007 GTI 2.0T. Used to have an '86 Jetta GLI, and I'm selling my '00 GTI VR6. :good:

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