

Fish Crazy
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Runcorn, UK
My pair of Rams that seem fine, swimming happily and doing a sort of dance with each other every now and again don't seem to be eating too much. When I fed them some Brine shrimp on Wednesday they definatly ate some of that before the greddy Zebra Danios got it all. But because they tend to dwell lower down, even at feeding times they don't seem to be eating much. They rummage around in the substrate even picking at the Bristlenoses Wafers now and again, not that their much fussed on them at all. :/

I bought some Chiclid pellets for them that float but they don't go up and get them. I was wondering what the experts, you people (butter them up before I get my answers :p ), would reccomend feeding Bolivian Rams?
The first week I had my blue rams they would only take food that was falling near the lower half or would wait until it hit the bottom. Since I had top feeding rasboras it didn't seem like they were getting their share when they ate from the bottom. They soon started taking food from the mid and now they take it from the surface. Their favorite food is Hikari's Micro Wafers and Micro Pellets. I know you have bolivian rams but they might have similar tastes. :p
I had a similar problem with some of my cichlids - managed to get hold of some Hikari Tropical Cichlid Complete which is a sinking pellet (alas haven't been able to get hold of it since), so have since been using New Life Spectrum Cichlasoma (got it from a shop on Ebay - cheaper than buying from them direct - only bought some more yesterday and they've still got lots in stock) - from previous experience the fish love it.
Thanks both of you.

I've had my Rams for less than a week and their actions sound similar to what your fish did. They only stay near the bottom to feed and the greedy Zebra Danios and and Gouramis tend to get nearly all of the food before it gets that far down.

I bought some of this expensive 'Tetra fresh delica whole bloodworms and brine shrimp' from my LFS today. It's in a jelly, looks quite appetizing actuallly ;) . They had a bit of a sniff at it, took a bit in their mouths and spat it back out. Fussy fish. They do look really healthy though, swimming around, good colours and finnage.

I'll try some of the stuff you both recomended. :)

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