Make Cucumber Sink...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 27, 2006
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Perhaps I'm the last to work this out - if not...

If your cucumber floats, give it a hard squeeze to expel all the air - then it sinks.

Naybody think bronze corys would enjoy a peice of cucumber?? Floating or otherwise LOL
So far I'm the last to know lol.

It all depends on your fish. I've heard some cories like it, others don't touch it. Same with plecos. A lot of people say thier fish like lettuce, but mine haven't touched it. That proves my point.
I wish you guys would have told me this a week ago when i was trying to get the cucumber to the bottom of my tank for the snails to go after :good: Next time ill give it a squeez :D

I put a spoon through mine until I get a veggie clip, my pleco eats it in a little over a day.
You my friend, are a super-genius! :teacher:

Up until now, I thought the only way to make it sink was nuking or adding weight to it. I just removed the seeds, gave it a big squeeze and it sunk like a rock.
I'm going to have to try this with zucchini now. I have a fork in the bottom of my tank from a piece I had in there that they completely demolished. I'm dreading having to put my hand down in there to take it out.

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