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    Corydoras Metae

    Seems cheap. Postage tends to be very steep on fish though.
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    How Many Corys Do You Have?

    Just added 6 peppered 6 Sterbia If anyone asks i'm blaming you guys.
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    Blue Paint On Aquariums?

    Possibly they where used as egg/fry tanks and so they never had any substrate.
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    Bait fish have very little nutritional value for your oscar and should generally only be used as occasional treats. Oscars benefit from a varied diet.
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    Cloudy Water

    I know this may seem like a stupid question, but you are using dechlorinator on all the water during water changes right ?
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    Corydoras Metae

    In my experience price of cory's can vary wildly from place to place and shop to shop. Kesgrave aquatics have cory metea wild caught at £4 each. Maidenhead had cory metea at £7.00 each or 3 for £18.
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    Fishless Cycle - Stubborn Ammonia Readings

    Are you reading the test under fluorescent light rather than day light. This can make the test seem slightly green when it's actually yellow. I would test again under daylight both your tap and tank water. I would also dose the tank back up to 4ppm after you have tested. Also make sure test...
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    If you don't have any live plants. Which by the picture I'm guessing you don't. Don't run lights during fishless cycle to avoid getting algea. Nice tank :good:
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    Stocking + Spray Bar

    Couple of quick questions. 1. Is there any need for a spray bar in a tank that already has plenty of surface agitation. 2. Is your nitrate level a good gauge of stocking level and can you increase your stocking level if you increase the amount of plants in the tank or vice versa can you...
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    Ammo Lock - Is It Any Good?

    Pretty sure it just turns ammonia into ammonium. Which is non-toxic to fish but still gets turned into nitrite and then nitrate. So isn't very useful in my opinion and certainly doesn't replace good water changing regime. If you have ammonia readings in your tank then there is something wrong...
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    Ive Got It

    You don't need a Ph test but the thing is the bacteria we are trying to produce in our tank thrive at 8-8.4 ph and they tend to slow/stop reproducing at about 6ph. As long as your cycle runs as planned this is a non issue but if it stalls it may be hard to diagnose without knowing what the PH of...
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    Eheim Or Fluval

    Didn't selectively read the specifications there are multiple models of the pro 3. The 2080 being the largest. I was using the specs from the 2075 or 600 for wrong or right. The 2080 seems to run about £320 in the uk with media so no i wouldn't say it was comparable 2217+ which runs about £95. I...
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    How Many Corys Do You Have?

    This thread makes me want to buy more cory's.
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    Eheim Or Fluval

    The 2217+ is comparable to the pro 3 except without all the bells and whistles. The pro 3's are excellent but are double the price of the 2217+ in the uk. The flows are pretty comparable. 1000 l/h 2217+ 1350 l/h pro 3 600. Eheim filters are generally between 10-20w to run so are less than your...
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    Cloudy Water :(

    I don't really see that an ungravel is going to help you here. If the water was white and cloudy this would most likely be caused by bacterial bloom from to much organic material in the tank. This could be countered by a good clean. Personally if it was me i would pull everything unneccasary...
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    Eheim Or Fluval

    Both are fantastic filters. FX5 is highly rated in the hobby and has won a few awards and Eheims are generally accepted as top quality filters, that come with a top quality price tag. Personally i run all eheims and wouldn't have it any other way, but you will get others here who will swear by...
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    Poo Eating Fish...?

    I only really see 2 options for keeping a oscar tank loooking clean. 1. Use river gravel, it is pretty good at hiding the poo although you need to make sure your weekly gravel cleans are good or detritus will build up and you get a problem. 2. Use powerheads along with filter outlets to push...
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    Cloudy Water :(

    My guess would also be that you have bogwood or peat in your tank or filter. Carbon can be used to remove the tannin if it is from the bogwood. Why do you run ammonia and phosphate removers if you don't mind me asking. Once your filter is mature it should deal with turning your ammonia into...
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    Caribsea Instant Aquarium Vs. Super Natural

    Can't say i really believe the hype but then i have a tendency to doubt this sort of thing. Plus it says to add a couple of fish after 24hrs and then increase your stocking a week later. Which to me sounds very similar to just fish in cycling. You can just buy the sand without the instant...
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    How Many Corys Do You Have?

    8 Gold lasers 8 Black Schultzei Cory 6 Panda Cory 7 Julii cory I also have 6 Corydoras metae on reserve at LFS. Personally i would get 6 panda cory and 6 other corydoras if you have the tank space. I love to see different varieties of cory. Mine are more spread out than the ones in the video but...
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    Corydoras - Is My Substrate Okay?

    Although your substrate is fine. I really think you miss out on something keeping cories on gravel. I have kept cories on both and cories aren't really corys unless there on sand, if that makes any sense. Could i Tempt you to put a small saucer or tub with a bit of sand in it for them :crazy:
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    Can Anyone Give Me Some Good Begginner Floating Plants?

    +1 for frogbits. Really like mine and have been looking for more since i put them in.
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    Wierd Question Alert!

    If you want a alternative to bottled ammonia use some fish food or a couple of prawns.
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    Stocking Neons

    You do realise that neons are basically Angel Fish food in the wild right and that there is a distinct possibility that once large enough the angels will hunt and eat all your neons.
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    Ammonia Problem.

    If your getting readings off your tap water then it is possible it is a false positive. Make sure to give your test tubes a really good clean and make sure your viewing them under natural light not artificial. I would avoid feeding your fish for a day or 2 just to be on the safe side and then...
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    Help With My New Saltwater Tank

    Just done some quick Calculations. Don't you need 450l approx of water for that tank. Pretty sure the first step would be to get everything running and stable. Fill the tank up with RO water setup your powerheads/heaters. Add the salt and give it time to mix. Then make sure your salinity, temp...
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    All Test Results 0

    Most people on here reccomend using seachem prime as water conditioner as it will act as a buffer for small amounts of ammonia/nitrite and is also very cost effective. Do you have live plants in your tank if so it is possible that they are using up the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate and keeping it...
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    Got It - Ammonia, Finally!

    Thats the ammonia i used to cycle and it is fine. Unfortunately plants require more light than algea, Requiring a minimum of 3-4 hours of light to perform photosynthesis. Meaning you either remove the plants or deal with the algea. It's not that much of a drama just an added annoyance.
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    Got It - Ammonia, Finally!

    Has the tank got anything in it except plants and decor ? If the tank is setup with just water, decor and plants you don't need to test anything just add the ammonia wait 24 hr's and test the level of ammonia. You can test your tank parameters for interests sake if you like but it isn't a...
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    Ammonia Removers/binders

    I really rate seachem prime but it isn't a replacement for good water quality. It is designed to detoxify small quantities of nitrite in your tap water, not to be used to detoxify water in a fish in cycle. Fish in cycles allow you too have fish straight away but the downside is a massive...
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    Ammonia Removers/binders

    This is a quite complicated question to answer but i will do my best. If the ammonia "removers" was in bottle form then chances are it does not remove the ammonia so much as change harmful ammonia into harmless ammonium. That ammonium will feed the filter fine the problem is that the ammonia...
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    Lead Weights?

    I'm pretty sure that when the lead comes into contact with water/air it oxidizes this oxidized layer basically then acts as protection to stop anymore lead getting into the water. The small quatities used should be fine as long as you don't start bunging it in your tank like a maniac.
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    The Perils Of A Larger Tank

    As others have said we cheat. I have 2 pipes for syphoning. 1 that has a gravel style cleaning end and 1 that is a u bend i had spare from my eheim filter. I clean the sand in my first tank and then set the syphon going set to whatever height i want that tank drained too. I then go and clean the...
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    Tubifex Worms For My Corys

    My gold laser cory's come to the surface for tubiflex worms, they are the only ones though.
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    Best 2Nd Filter

    I would go with the 2217.
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    :wub: corydoras. I'm always torn between black schlutzi and panda's as my favourites though. My Gold lasers are odd too as they will come to the surface to feed for tubiflex worms. But nothing else.
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    Can I Get The Otto Catfish This Coming Weekend?

    +1 for not adding otto's to a tank with Angels. If as the Angels get larger they try to eat the otto's the ottos will deploy there barbs inside the angels mouth and you will probably lose both fish.
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    Stocking? For A Begginner

    I wouldn't reccomended having less than 6 corydoras as they are social fish and benefit from being in a group of 6+. As for stocking level I'm afraid i can't really help. Personally I would add them bit by bit and see how your water parameters do.
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    Silent Filters?

    I have 4 eheim pro 2 in my house. 2 in my bedroom and 2 in my brothers and i can't hear them running. These externals might be bigger than what your looking for though.
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    Oscars Are They Worth The Hassle

    Hey when you said you wanted a fish with a personality, You didn't specify that the personality wasn't #16##### hole :)