Got It - Ammonia, Finally!

Im not sure the clac works right guys, im on 50L and was advised to add 1.5ml....this gave me over 5ppm. nemo my advice is add 1ml leave tank for an hour then measure ammonia bet it near 5ppm.

My ammoina strength was 9.5% hope it can always add more, but adding too much is water change and a PITA :0)
H/H ammonia from boots, and yes I do have the API Water Testing Kit. Just added, and it made my water go xtremly cloudy :/

You defo added 1.8ml? shouldn't have instantly turned cloudy, if your tank has had water in for a few days it will be part of a bacterial bloom. But wouldn't worry about it should clear over the next few days
H/H ammonia from boots, and yes I do have the API Water Testing Kit. Just added, and it made my water go xtremly cloudy :/

post back in 30min if you can with reading and amount added mate, intrested to see what it comes out at
H/H ammonia from boots, and yes I do have the API Water Testing Kit. Just added, and it made my water go xtremly cloudy :/
Just out of interest what are the ingredients on your h/h ammonia bottle.

If your tank water has gone a milky white colour then it will be a bacterial bloom(harmless & will clear). Have you checked to see what your ammonia level is?

Thats the ammonia i used to cycle and it is fine. Unfortunately plants require more light than algea, Requiring a minimum of 3-4 hours of light to perform photosynthesis. Meaning you either remove the plants or deal with the algea. It's not that much of a drama just an added annoyance.

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