

Fish Crazy
Mar 12, 2008
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lisburn, N Ireland
I bought an Oscar 2wks ago. I have been feeding it with bait fish which I bought from lfs. What I was wondering is, is there anything else that it wud lik. I'm sure its getn bored of earltiny the same thing every day. Also I have a blue lobster, any ideas for diff food for them both.

I had heard they will eat anything, I tried spare ribs on the lobster and she loved them.
I bought an Oscar 2wks ago. I have been feeding it with bait fish which I bought from lfs. What I was wondering is, is there anything else that it wud lik. I'm sure its getn bored of earltiny the same thing every day. Also I have a blue lobster, any ideas for diff food for them both.

I had heard they will eat anything, I tried spare ribs on the lobster and she loved them.
how big is it at the moment?

i feed my oscar... pellet food, shrimp, peas, bloodworm, insects from the garden they will eat almost anything!

I also have a red claw crayfish (blue lobster) i normaly drop food in for him after dark never tried ribs, but.... He loves algae wafers and veggies or try hikari crab cuisine :good:

Make sure your lobster has loads of hiding places or your oscar WILL eat it when it moults!!!
i would be more concerned that the lobster would attack the oscar. especially after lights out when the fish will rest on the substrate :crazy:

lobsters/crayfish arent really ideal in a comunity set up im affraid :no:
How often do the lobsters molt? My Oscar is around 4inch and the lobster is around 5 inchish.
The lobster doesn't bother the Oscar unless food is involved.

My Sig is not updated yet. The garuami and loach are away, and the rest are goin when the Oscar gets bigger
How often do the lobsters molt? My Oscar is around 4inch and the lobster is around 5 inchish.
The lobster doesn't bother the Oscar unless food is involved.

My Sig is not updated yet. The garuami and loach are away, and the rest are goin when the Oscar gets bigger
i have had mine about a year and a half and it has moulted about 4 or 5 times, but as matt says they arnt really suited for a community tank, but what works for one....
Bait fish have very little nutritional value for your oscar and should generally only be used as occasional treats. Oscars benefit from a varied diet.
Wot do they like? Shrimp, prawns bloodworm, do they eat veg?. I no to only give meat,ie steak or pork, only on occasion. But wot else do other Oscar keepers feed?
My oscars have

Frozen Peas
Frozen Prawns
Hikari Cichlid Gold pellets
Frozen Blood Worm
Frozen brine shrimp and bigger brine shrimp can't remember name
Cod fillet
Worms and other insects(As long as i know they haven't been exposed to fertlisers, pesticides and other toxins)

I don't feed feeder fish as aside from there lack of nutrtional value, they are generally kept in poor conditions so are not good quality fish and may have disease ect. If i was going to feed live food i would always produce it myself for tight Quality control.
meat like steak and pork etc are too fatty and hard to digest for fish i wouldnt advise feeding it to them. meaty foods like bloodworm, shrimp, prawn etc are much more managable. you can pick up a slab of frozen brine shrimp or bloodworm from your lfs for a few quid its much safer.

cichlid pellets are ideal as a staple food, maybe have 2 types so the fish dont get too used to a certain type then feed meaty stuff once or twice a week as a treat. the pellets are much better for the fish even though they will go nuts for bloodworm etc. just give them a variety so they dont just eat 1 type of food. my cichlids have a different meal everyday.
When I had oscars I fed them beef heart it has no fat and easly digested. If you have a creek near by you can catch small shrimps they love live stuff. Some pet shops sell food fish usually guppies (not the exotic one ). But the usual food like frozen brine shrimps, blood worms etc is good to give pending how big they are. But mine mainly lived on heart and live food.
Bev. :)
when my step dad had oscars 20 years ago he fed them on dog food :lol: he said they crap like dogs too

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