How Many Corys Do You Have?


Fish Crazy
Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score
Dominican Republic

I just watch this video on youtube and i really like how all those cories look in that tank, i like then that much that i'm thinking about getting 12 panda cories instead of the 6 i was gonna get, i already have 6 bronze cory, what do think about it, and how many cories do you have??
8 Gold lasers
8 Black Schultzei Cory
6 Panda Cory
7 Julii cory
I also have 6 Corydoras metae on reserve at LFS. Personally i would get 6 panda cory and 6 other corydoras if you have the tank space. I love to see different varieties of cory. Mine are more spread out than the ones in the video but then I would say that my current stocking is probably quite low for the size of my tank.
I have approximately 15 Sterbi, 6 long fin peppered, 6 normal peppered, 5 pygmy cory's and 3 Emerald plus 2 mystery Cory's :hyper: But they aren't all in together. The pygmy's are soon to be moved to their own tank with only some cherry shrimp for company while all the peppereds and the 3 Emeralds all hang out together along with the 2 mystery cory's no one has been able to ID. And all the Sterbi's are in a tank on their own with just 4 large bristlenoses and 1 siamese fighter.
Problem here is that cories are imported and hard to find, i have to grab what i find in one of the LFS, in the 3 months i have visiting LFS i have seen corys only in 2 and both were bronze, so pandas are a plus in here, must of the people i have talk about in here have never seen then.
I have 9 sterbai in my tank and I love the way they busy themselves round the tank, not really kept corys much before and they are fab, definately going to try breeding them when I get more smaller tanks in the next house I move to
More corys the better imo :good: :lol:

I have:-
15 Trilineatus
6 gold lasers
6 black schultzi
6 skunks
6 pandas
18 pygmys
3 albinos
2 bronze juvi's
and around 10 x 6 week old bronze fry & new batches of pandas,albinos & bronze fry 2 days old :)
i have

10 Pygmys
5 Bronze
4 Sterbai
3 Agazizii
1 Trilli
1 Peppered

the pepper hangs with the bonze and the trilli hangs with the sterbai :lol:
This thread makes me want to buy more cory's.
More corys the better imo :good: :lol:

I have:-
15 Trilineatus
6 gold lasers
6 black schultzi
6 skunks
6 pandas
18 pygmys
3 albinos
2 bronze juvi's
and around 10 x 6 week old bronze fry & new batches of pandas,albinos & bronze fry 2 days old :)
you like cories? since when?
i have 4 cory cats. i know, im lame. i dont have room for anymore though.
4 Peppereds, down from 6 after an Ich infestation :-( Changing to sand substrate this weekend and setting up my QT tank to grab 4 more to bring the total to 8 :) Love em!
I have 5 julii in a 64L tank and there loads more room for more. Which i am planning to do.
They look great when they all scoot round in a group.

This thing with people saying there are hard to come by suprised me as i live in barnoldswick near Burnley and every fish shop i can get to within a half hour drive, always have corys.

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