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  1. drobbyb

    New Bolivian Ram Pair

    Yesterday I met Gvilleguy at the local lfs. He contacted me a good while back about possibly taking them off his hands but my tank wasn't ready. I promised him that I would take some pictures once they were settled in: Thanks again Gvilleguy!
  2. drobbyb

    Natural Soil

    I think I'm going to give this a try. I need more substrate in my 30 gallon if I am going to plant it the way I want and I still have to buy more plants. This would be a cheaper way to do just that. I searched the stores in my area and the only compost that is available here is cow manure...
  3. drobbyb

    Make Your Own Filter

    making your own filter is probably the easiest thing n fishkeeping! All you need is a block of open celled foam (upholstery shops are a good cheap source) a 1/2 to 1 inch tube and an airline. Cut the foam to a 4x4 inch block and cut a slit into the center. Take a small drill and drill lots of...
  4. drobbyb

    Brook Trout Close Ups :)

    How do you maintain the cooler temperatures and higher flow that those trout require?
  5. drobbyb

    What You Feed Your Fish?

    Currently my fish are on a diet of Tetra Min. I feed once per day and I skip feeding one day a week at random. Fish are cold blooded creatures and they require less food than what the fish food manufacturers recommend. Any excess food eaten by the fish will only be turned into more waste...
  6. drobbyb

    Can I Use Womens Tights?

    Filter sponge is your best bet. A few years ago I saw some manufactured types specifically for this purpose called "fry savers", but they were only filter sponges with a hole cut out for your filter inlet. This will reduce your flow rate a little though, but probably not enough to cause problems.
  7. drobbyb

    Pics Of My New 35 Gallon Tank (And Looking For Ideas)

    If we are to be honest, the tank is very clean and very empty. Try getting some tall plants for the background flanked with medium and small plants and a piece of driftwood or bogwood. Driftwood can be any size, large or small.
  8. drobbyb

    Filter Motor Is Dying

    My Aquaclear has a lifetime warranty on the motor. Just contact their tech support and they will probably replace it for the price of shipping.
  9. drobbyb

    Natural Soil

    I was talking to a friend of mine who used to have a planted tank. He used soil from his yard as a base substrate then capped it with gravel. My question is how do you get all of the debris or other nastiness out of it? Has anyone tried this?
  10. drobbyb

    Aquarium Is Great, Just A Question On Fish Choice

    That is certainly possible depending on what feature fish you choose. With all of the determined stock your tank would be full before adding the 2 feature fish, but if the tank is mature and there is good enough water flow and biological filtration you should be able to get away with a slight...
  11. drobbyb


    I know one thing for sure, the advice given on this forum about cycling works 100%. Fishless cycle is the best method, and sounds much more complicated than it actually is.
  12. drobbyb

    Plant Substrate

    Eco complete comes in black, and is relatively inexpensive depending on the size tank.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1440&bih=762&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=2012873950372292836&sa=X&ei=7ZLtTaiMBceWtwfxpPTgBQ&ved=0CG8Q8wIwAg
  13. drobbyb

    Bromo Blue?

    I've seen people talk about bromo blue as a co2 indicator when used with 4dkh water. Is it the same chemical in the API pH test kit?
  14. drobbyb

    What Algae

    Definitely not blue green algae. It just looks like some sort of hair algae.
  15. drobbyb

    My Betta Won't Eat Flakes Or Peas..

    Fish are cold blooded critters and don't need to eat as often or as much as we do. They can easily go for 2 weeks without food, and should be fed only once per day 6 days a week skipping one day at random during the week. Never mind what the fish food container says. You CAN feed them more...
  16. drobbyb

    25% Water Change

    Maybe so, but for beginners this guideline works. After you get some experience you can experiment to find what works for you and your tank. Each tank is different so it's always better to change too much water than too little.
  17. drobbyb

    Frozen Prawns As Food.

    Another free source of live food is mosquito larvae. They are extremely easy to collect, you just keep a bucket of water outside and when you see the rafts (floating groups of eggs) just scoop them out and put them in a jar with water. They will hatch in a couple of days and you only need to...
  18. drobbyb

    Frozen Prawns As Food.

    Shrimp (yes, I'm from the US lol) can be used as a base for home made frozen fish food. There are many recipes out there, but when I was breeding angelfish I wanted to be able to tailor make my own. I put the prawns into a blender shells and all then added spirulina powder, some water, some...
  19. drobbyb


    Also, with a pH that low have a read in the article linked in my signature. My pH is also 6.8 from the tap and I need to take special measures since my GH and KH values are also <1. It will help you quite a bit with your calcium problem :)
  20. drobbyb

    Raising Ph?

    no need to buy any buffers. The crushed coral will do the job just fine and at a safe and predictable rate (baking soda will change the pH (actually, the pH goes up in response to a change in KH) but the sudden change can cause fish loss). Read the article inked in my signature. It isn't...
  21. drobbyb

    Simple Lights

    If you want to go the LED route you will need a transformer (I used an old cordless phone power supply), a resistor (.5 watt 560 ohm), a soldering iron and solder, some wire, some electrical tape, and of course the LED's. LED's have a polarity (one positive lead and one negative lead) with the...
  22. drobbyb

    Simple Lights

    Rorie, also in the past I have used a simple double tube shop light with 6500k 4 foot T8 tubes. The whole setup including bulbs was $25. If you need more light, you can join the two reflectors with some bolts and nuts making a pyramid type shape. This would give you 4 32 watt T8 bulbs for...
  23. drobbyb

    Pond Uv Light Unit For An Aquarium

    No, it would work fine, but it would be a little overpowered for a home tank.
  24. drobbyb

    Is It A Von Rio Tetra?

    Looks like an older von rio to me.
  25. drobbyb

    In Dispair And In Need Of Help

    To help with the fish in cycle, buy a 100 ml bag of purigen and put it in you filter AFTER your media. This will take the ammonia out of the water (as well as any contaminants, this stuff is like super carbon but you can recharge and reuse it many times) and as long as it is after your...
  26. drobbyb

    Lighting Help Needed

    As long as you haven't treated your cat for fleas you will be fine. If you have treated it, put some carbon in the filter asap.
  27. drobbyb

    Funky Tank

    I wouldn't have picked those colors, however it is well decorated. Nicely done.
  28. drobbyb

    My Fishroom

    Metal stands can be made using angle iron, stainless steel bolts and nuts, and a drill. It's better to weld the angle iron together, but the stainless steel bolts will work just fine.
  29. drobbyb

    Plant Id?

    My ludwigia grows so fast that I have to prune it twice a week. Mine also started out that color, but once it got established the tops of them have turned deep red. It can go totally green depending on conditions.
  30. drobbyb

    Plant Id?

    looks like red ludwigia to me. I have a bunch of it myself.
  31. drobbyb

    My Attempt At Do-It-Yourselfing

    You haven't given a problem or asked a question.
  32. drobbyb

    Compatibility Question

    There's no point in shooting a dead horse. All it does is make a mess and still ends up as a dead horse. IC1 has made it clear that he will take no advice from anyone about anything without scientific proof. Therefore, he is beyond help unless he changes his attitude and will sit in his...
  33. drobbyb

    Definition Of A 'mature Tank'.

    You all keep saying that the older research and science isn't valid, yet you all probably drive a car that uses an internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engine was researched and invented in the late 1800's. Sure we have added a few things since we do have better understanding...
  34. drobbyb

    Compatibility Question

    I see IC1 posted, but all I see is blah blah blah. Lets look at his logic from another angle: Does love exist? Let me ask someone. (makes a new topic on a forum) It does? Show me some scientific proof! Oh you can't prove it huh. Then it must not exist.
  35. drobbyb

    What`s Prime ,and What Does It Do?

    Prime is a great tested tried and true product.
  36. drobbyb

    Aggressive Boesmani Rainbowfish?

    Squabbling is normal for rainbows. He's just showing his dominance and as long as he doesn't injure the other fish or the other fish hides constantly I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  37. drobbyb

    30 Gallon Project

    It is sloped a little :D But I need more substrate if I want to do any more. I only had 50 pounds and in a 30 gallon, it doesn't go far. There are actually 11 stones in there, but since they are all of the same mineral the two on the left blend together. I actually have 2 interesting...
  38. drobbyb

    To Paint, Or Not To Paint

    Here's a pic of what flat black spraypaint looks like:
  39. drobbyb

    Old Fish Tank Started Leaking Advice

    Funny you say this as my old 30 gallon sprung a leak the other day. I had a tube of aquarium sealant lying around so I decided to repair it. All I did was to get rid of any loose sealant along the inside of the seam, clean the glass and seal using vinegar (this softens silicone sealant), wait...
  40. drobbyb

    30 Gallon Project

    Here's a full tank shot from the front: The gravel in this tank won't need vacuuming since it's going to be heavily planted. The rocks are that close together on purpose.