Aquarium Is Great, Just A Question On Fish Choice


New Member
Jun 9, 2011
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Hullo, whilst this is my first post, I will subsequently be posting in the introduction thread shortly.

My question is, I have a new tank (cycled) with the aspirations of having a good community tank. So far I have 10 danio, 5 zeb dan, 5 lep dan. I also have 5 zebra snails. I want to add in the future 10 neon tetra, 7-14 tiger barb and 2 feature fish.

The question is what feature fish should I have, at this point kribs seem tempting.

Tank size, 180L (aka 40G) With good Surface area


That is certainly possible depending on what feature fish you choose. With all of the determined stock your tank would be full before adding the 2 feature fish, but if the tank is mature and there is good enough water flow and biological filtration you should be able to get away with a slight overstocking. You would have to pay close attention to your ammonia/nitrite levels and perform at least a 50% waterchange weekly, but it is possible.
Then I go for 7 Tiger barbs.

What good looking feature fish can I have?

Kribs etc?

Thanks for the reply
I personally wouldnt mix barbs with small/shy tetras as they are likely to stress them out no end.

Take a look at Bolivian Rams, or just normal Rams, they make great feature fish and would be nice in a tank that size, with tetras, or barbs, whichever you pick. temps and recommended ph's might differ slightly but a happy middle ground will work. Avoid Blue Rams, they dont cope well in new tanks and can be quite pricey.
I kind of agree. I tend to think of Tiger Barbs as among the most potenially nippy and mean fish around (short of fish with "shark" in their name) but it does depend on the situation. Having a large grouping of them will usually mitigate most of the problems. Certainly having a grouping of tigers in a very large tank among other larger fish will usually work. It also may be that one can learn on a species by species basis which fish will be picked on by tigers and build a stocking plan accordingly.


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