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  1. V

    I Am Having Absolutely No Success With My Tanks...

    You can certainly save money by not buying 'cycle' and 'waste control' (I take it that's a product name?).
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    Cardinal Tetra Tank (help!)

    Jedi, good to hear from someone prepared to step back and not just dive in at the start only to regret it later. As no one has pointed it out yet, Cardinals aren't a great choice for a newly-cycled tank; they really need a tank that's cycled AND matured. I'd personally give it a good four months...
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    Febreze Fabric Freshener Around Fish Tank?

    Can't see a problem if you sprayed it outside then brought it back in the house.
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    Which External Filter?

    Those two Silver Sharks are going to get very big; you don't really have room for one and if you have more than one, they prefer a group of at least 5/6. They alone would need a very big tank. You'll need a bigger tank sooner rather than later.
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    Whats The Big Deal?

    Lots of plants, two filters, well maintained; nothing remotely wrong with that stocking. One of my fave tanks, FWIW.
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    Thinking About Getting A Biube For Shrimp

    You can get an Aquacube 40l complete with everything for half the price of a BiOrb. BiOrbs are monstrously overpriced for what you get.
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    Tank Mate$!

    That 240l is a disaster waiting to happen. Just a matter of when.
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    New Tank, Gourami + ?

    No, a ten gallon is no place for a Goldie. Unfortunately, Dwarf Gouramis are prone to a fatal Iridovirus. You won't be able to fit a community in a 10G, I'm afraid, unless it's 4/5 small fish and - depending on filtration - two or three Otos, but Otos like a larger group than that. Have you...
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    Aquascaping And Tropical Fish

    Cheers all; always felt a little uneasy digging into the substrate - I have Tetra Complete Substrate under fine gravel. If you get it wrong while vaccing, it tends to give the water a muddy quality........
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    Aquascaping And Tropical Fish

    Even if you keep Corys?.
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    Absolutely; far too boisterous for Discus, even if they could handle the temperature.
  12. V

    What The Blazes In Happening In My Tank!

    Sorry to hear that; Guppies (in this country at least) are very poor these days. When I kept them, I used to pass the fry onto my LFS in exchange for food or plants. They said they'd take whatever I had, as when they ordered them in from suppliers, what arrived was barely worth selling, they...
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    Pic Request Of Biorb Tank Set Up?

    I've often been tempted by the thought of an Aquacube in the bedroom. Take some media from the external filter downstairs and it's ready to go.
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    Pic Request Of Biorb Tank Set Up?

    Have you thought of a 35 or 40l Aquacube?. BiOrbs are VERY expensive for what you get.
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    What Filter Media Do You Use?

    What it says on the tin, really. I have a TetraTec EX700 and a 600 running on a 48'' x 18'' x 15'' tank. Mainly Cardinals, Harlequin Rasbora, Rosy Tetras and Corys and not heavily stocked; decent amount of plants. All media is as supplied: four trays in the 700, three in the 600. Have any of you...
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    What The Blazes In Happening In My Tank!

    Do you have a figure for Ammonia, d?.
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    Wall-mounted Picture Aquariums

    Please, please, please don't. Those damned things are one of my pet hates (if you'll pardon the expression). Surely no one is SO strapped for space as to need one?.
  18. V

    Sujestions For Stocking My New 4ft Tank, Thanks

    I'd always go for natural decoration rather than ornaments, so I'd replace both ornaments with more wood. Dot some Vallis along the back and randomly through the tank - it can look very effective.
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    Is My Tank All Right?

    The Neons could also find the Angels' fins rather inviting, too. In general, they just don't mix well.
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    All You Need To Know About Discus

    You could always try the Discus section here. LOTS of practical advice from people with lots of experience.
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    Length Of Ich Treatment?

    Where are you, Rea?. If you're in the UK, 'Protozin' will do the trick, but you need to follow the instructions to the letter.
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    L Plates

    Oh, absolutely W; nothing wrong in joining in a thread to find info. Chat is good, as are questions; if nobody asked questions, we'd still be living in caves. OTOH, I can completely understand a newcomer to the hobby (and of course, we could be the first site they've visited) being hesitant and...
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    Looking For Compatible Tank Mates....

    The funny thing is, though, when I set up my tank 4-5 years ago, my first residents were Platies and for the 18 months I kept them, I never saw so much of a hint of any of the females being in the club. Not a thing. When I got Swordtails it was the exact opposite. Mind you, I never had to buy...
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    Looking For Compatible Tank Mates....

    Having had Honey Gouramis a few years ago, they are a more sedate fish and may not appreciate the more boisterous Danios you have. With Swordtails, they can get surprisingly large very quickly and, again, really need space and (I'm sure you'll know) spend a large proportion of their time...
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    L Plates

    Hi and welcome. The first fish you introduce to your tank (when it's cycled) will dictate what you can add later on, particularly if the first lot are aggressive or semi-aggressive. Please use this cycling time to read up on as many fish as you can, as well as the fish they'll be compatible...
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    Looking For Compatible Tank Mates....

    Assuming you still have the 19G, it could be a little awkward. The Danios are active and need lots of swimming space. Any fish you put in there with them would need to be active too, so as not to be stressed by them. The more active fish you have, the bigger tank you'll need - hiding space is as...
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    Fluval 3 Problems

    Is that a Fluval+3 internal?. Could just be time for a new one. You may get lucky and find some of the old ones cheaper as the shops make way on their shelves for the new one.
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    I Never Got Algea Yet :(

    Well, there IS a time difference, you know.
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    I Never Got Algea Yet :(

    I've never had it there.
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    Fluval 3 Problems

    That's the impellor. Do you take that out of it's slot and clean it, too (along with the slot)?.
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    Stocking A 55 Gallon Tank

    There's a big difference between a tank being cycled and a tank being mature enough to support sensitive fish.
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    My Fish

    Sorry to put it this bluntly, but on reading your other posts (including one where you said you flushed a fish down the toilet because it was ill - not dead, but ill) I really think you need someone to help you look after and understand the responsibility that comes with keeping fish. Please...
  33. V

    Stocking A 55 Gallon Tank

    No Neons for a good 4/5 months after the tank has cycled AND matured; they're simply not hardy enough for a newly-cycled tank these days, unfortunately. Corys will have to wait, too.
  34. V

    Fish Dying -help

    If Ammonia is really 1.5, then you're looking at water changes EVERY day - that figure MUST come down or you'll have no fish left, I'm afraid. 50% water changes, I'd say, then test again around 12 hours later. Any reading of Ammonia will permanently damage a fishes gills, shortening it's life.
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    Tetratec Ex700

    The fine white wool should be changed regularly, as it clogs much quicker than sponges. If you're not using carbon to take medications out of the water, you don't really need it - though I'd always keep some handy just in case it's ever needed. Use the space for more filter media.
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    I Just Got A New 15 Gallon Tank. ;o

    Indeed they are; IIRC, we had several posts a few months back about people losing Rummy Noses.
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    Newbie Questions Sorry

    Don't beat yourself up too much, that's exactly what a lot of LFS staff tell people who really need reliable advice. Just try to keep on top of your water changes; if things go wrong in a small tank, they go wrong very quickly. If you find yourself thinking ''Should I do a water change?'' the...
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    Are you sure it's the Otos?. I've had them for several years and, while they're always on the Vallis and Cabomba, they're eating OFF them, not eating the plants themselves.
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    OP says Ph is 7.2
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    Newbie Questions Sorry

    Hi Gary, it's a little early to be thinking of Otos or Corys yet; they both do best in tanks that have been cycled AND matured (a good three/four months). Same goes for Cardinals and Neons too, I'm afraid. Lots of fish these days have been bred until they're fairly weak, unlike several years...