Wall-mounted Picture Aquariums


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
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Thinking about getting one of these really cool wall-mounted aquariums :

Funky Fish Picture Aquariums

I don't have a lot of space in flat and they look ideal. Has anyone had any experience of these types of tanks?
Useless and not fair on any fish kept in them.
Plus there hard to maintain.
Who ever designed them wants sacking.
Less people who buy them they might get taken off the market.
I wouldn't put any fish in them. Plus how do you maintain the tank.
It's a torture chamber.
^Agreed with everyone else.^

Its too small to hold any fish, and even if you do try, the fish will most likely not last long from the high levels of stress from being in such a small area.

there are hundreds of these on ebay... some are only15 cm wide :(
poor fish scrap that idea mate and get a proper tank not a thimbel
poor fish scrap that idea mate and get a proper tank not a thimbel

i would only put micro rasboras in there, if that

they wouldn't be any good in there either as they are only tiny but very lively little fishies and enjoy the space of my 55 ltr hex to put them in that tiny thing would be awful
Please, please, please don't. Those damned things are one of my pet hates (if you'll pardon the expression). Surely no one is SO strapped for space as to need one?.

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