Looking For Compatible Tank Mates....


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2007
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Pittsburgh PA
Hey everyone, right now I have 6 zebra danio's, 5 glow light tetra's and a red swordtail. I'm looking for compatible non aggressive tank mates. Want to add some color to the tank also. Can you please give me some tank mates that will all get along.

thanks in advance,
Hey everyone, right now I have 6 zebra danio's, 5 glow light tetra's and a red swordtail. I'm looking for compatible non aggressive tank mates. Want to add some color to the tank also. Can you please give me some tank mates that will all get along.

thanks in advance,

what size tank have you got
depending what you are interested in you could add some bolvian , gold or blue rams
or some honey gouramis

but all depends on the tank size and filtering :)
Assuming you still have the 19G, it could be a little awkward. The Danios are active and need lots of swimming space. Any fish you put in there with them would need to be active too, so as not to be stressed by them. The more active fish you have, the bigger tank you'll need - hiding space is as important as swimming space. You could do with a few more Swordtails, but if you have all Males they can get aggressive with each other - which will stress the other fish. Then again, if you have a mixture of Male and Female you know what'll happen. Which fish do you REALLY want to keep, if push comes to shove?.
Cory cats would be a great addition to fill out the bottom portion of your tank
Hey everyone, right now I have 6 zebra danio's, 5 glow light tetra's and a red swordtail. I'm looking for compatible non aggressive tank mates. Want to add some color to the tank also. Can you please give me some tank mates that will all get along.

thanks in advance,

what size tank have you got
depending what you are interested in you could add some bolvian , gold or blue rams
or some honey gouramis

but all depends on the tank size and filtering :)

I have a 19 gallon tank....I'll look into the gold or blue rams. I actually did want to get some honey gourami's so that's cool you suggested them!
Assuming you still have the 19G, it could be a little awkward. The Danios are active and need lots of swimming space. Any fish you put in there with them would need to be active too, so as not to be stressed by them. The more active fish you have, the bigger tank you'll need - hiding space is as important as swimming space. You could do with a few more Swordtails, but if you have all Males they can get aggressive with each other - which will stress the other fish. Then again, if you have a mixture of Male and Female you know what'll happen. Which fish do you REALLY want to keep, if push comes to shove?.

My Danio's do swim around a lot. I do have enough hiding places though and my tetra's love to hide when the light is on lol. So what do you think then about the honey gourami's or are they more of a slow swimming fish? I think I'm gonna get another swordtail or too also. I had 2 total but the one died. They were both males and got along. My danio's have fry like every other day so I don't want too many males/females lol. So say I wanted to get a few more swordtails and a few gourami's, how many more fish could I get so I don't overcrowd?
Having had Honey Gouramis a few years ago, they are a more sedate fish and may not appreciate the more boisterous Danios you have. With Swordtails, they can get surprisingly large very quickly and, again, really need space and (I'm sure you'll know) spend a large proportion of their time dumping, so filtration will have to be a consideration.
Having had Honey Gouramis a few years ago, they are a more sedate fish and may not appreciate the more boisterous Danios you have. With Swordtails, they can get surprisingly large very quickly and, again, really need space and (I'm sure you'll know) spend a large proportion of their time dumping, so filtration will have to be a consideration.

So then which fish can you recommend then? I wanna get a few more for sure. Right now I have a tetra whisper 40 filter along with a bubble wand. I also vacuum the gravel once a week.
Well, if ya want some color, you could always go for some glofish :p heh They're just danios that have been genetically altered to have neon bright colors.
Or if you want something a bit more natural, maybe some platy? They breed like crazy though so just be aware of that :p
The funny thing is, though, when I set up my tank 4-5 years ago, my first residents were Platies and for the 18 months I kept them, I never saw so much of a hint of any of the females being in the club. Not a thing. When I got Swordtails it was the exact opposite. Mind you, I never had to buy any food or plants the whole time I had them - the LFS took all the fry I could give them.
i'd second the cories. maybe a couple otos.

or shrimps.

I've had otto's in the past and loved them....I'll def get more but waiting for my quarantine tank to build up some algae. What kind of Cories should I get, aren't there a few different types? Anyones you like more?

Well, if ya want some color, you could always go for some glofish :p heh They're just danios that have been genetically altered to have neon bright colors.
Or if you want something a bit more natural, maybe some platy? They breed like crazy though so just be aware of that :p

Glofish may work! I know all to well about the breeding alot because of my Danio's...They have way too many fry!! I've had a few platy's in the past so that's a possibilty :)

The funny thing is, though, when I set up my tank 4-5 years ago, my first residents were Platies and for the 18 months I kept them, I never saw so much of a hint of any of the females being in the club. Not a thing. When I got Swordtails it was the exact opposite. Mind you, I never had to buy any food or plants the whole time I had them - the LFS took all the fry I could give them.

I may have to start doing that with my Danio fry...they ahve way too many and most of them don't live. I set them up a new tank and everything!
i had albino cories a while ago. they were very interesting to watch. they were constantly searching the gravel for food by digging their noses in. they also swim along the glass, often smacking heads. :p

be aware that they occasionally sprint to the surface for a breath of air. with a big splash, it can be startling. but he actually never left the water.

i believe most variations of cories have similar behaviour. it's mainly just the colour that is different.
One of the reasons why I love danios is b/c they're so easy to breed :D Hoping giant danios are the same way whenever we get some hehe.
dont go for rams, if you have danios! danios prefer cooler temps and rams NEED higher temperatures or they will deteriorate...FAST. feasible illnesses are hexamita and slowing of the metabolism.

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