Search results

  1. Zeoth

    Good Tankmates

    No. :no: If your going to add it to your 10 gallon. IT's already overwstocked with the two loaches and both grow up to be 8 inches. Trust me. I had just one yo-yo loach in my tank and man was I told. I was reccomended by the Wolf and other members to get other loaches instead like the dwarf...
  2. Zeoth

    Consider The Following

    Can I put the following in a 55 gallon tank; complete with a strong filter and frequent water changes: 1 Oscar 1 Green Terror 1 Common Plec 1 Jack Dempsey EDIT: No need for long and fancy paragraphs. Just a bluntly put yes or no will do for me :lol:
  3. Zeoth

    Not Just Fish, But....

    Skydiving, wrestling, scuba diving in the reefs behind my house, swimming in the amazon river, I've done it all baby! 8) Just kidding! :lol: All I do is read, play video games,bike and hike. Yeah that's about it. Would be awsome if i could do all those things...
  4. Zeoth

    Al-g Problems

    Ok then. ^_^ I'll try without 3 days of lighting. I'll let you guys know as soon as the reasults are in. :nerd:
  5. Zeoth

    How Long Have You Been Keeping Fish?

    4-5 years. Can't remember now which one it was... :)
  6. Zeoth

    How To Clean Artificial Plants

    Lol. :lol: Hmmm.... think i'll try the beer.
  7. Zeoth

    Al-g Problems

    Won't that damadge the plant? Not to mention the fish.... -_-
  8. Zeoth

    How To Clean Artificial Plants

    Toothbrush. Not only dose it do a good job of getting rid of plaque but it also gets rid of that disturbing and disgusting algea of your plastic plants. Wow.. a multi-tasking-technological-breakthrough. :hyper: Just don't put it in your mouth afterwards :sick:
  9. Zeoth

    Feedin Corals

    It just occured to do you guys feed your corals. I mean like are there special fertilizers or flakes that sink to thier mouths or what? :blink:
  10. Zeoth

    At Last My Fish Can Talk Back To Me!

    You really scared me with that title there MissWiggle. :shout: Disturbing argg :look:
  11. Zeoth

    Poll: Dead Fish

    *comes out of the washroom* Ahhhhh. theres go's a big one.
  12. Zeoth

    What is the best LFS you've been to?

    The Big Al's near me has a Saltwater Shark tank thet is realy REALY huge. and they sell baby oscars for what was it again....oh yeah....some where along the lines of a $1.25. so....... :P in you face!!!
  13. Zeoth

    Al-g Problems

    I've go just one plant (a Hygrophilia species) and it has Hair algea growing on it. It's no where else in the tank, only on the plant. How do I get rid of the hair algea? :huh:
  14. Zeoth

    Tff Lapel Badge/pin

    I dunno, i find it interesting. :hyper: IMO, I wouldn't mind wearing a TFF badge. Sounds kinda cool. Go for it :good:
  15. Zeoth

    Zebra Loaches Gone Crazy

    I thought it was becasue they see thier reflection
  16. Zeoth

    Yo-yo Loach

    I see soo? black kuhlis it is then? Anyone dissagree? :/
  17. Zeoth

    Yo-yo Loach

    WAIT! I think i saw these when i got the Yo-yo Loach. Is one of thier commen names the Zebra Loach?
  18. Zeoth

    Large Oscar Tank Mates?

    Jack Dempsys are a good addition, Silver Dollers, Jaguar Cichlid, these all work out with an Oscar *Silver Dollers need to be kept in groups of 6+
  19. Zeoth

    Yo-yo Loach

    Oh I see.. :sad: Would Kuhli loaches be able to fit in there? It's really kind of empty and I absoulutly insist on adding some kind of loach. If you people can reccomend be some then that would be great. I'll have to fit in the time to take it back to my LFS. -_-
  20. Zeoth

    Large Oscar Tank Mates?

    What tanlk size is it? It all depends on the tank size mate :good:
  21. Zeoth

    Chk This Picture Out. Wow

    Wat r u guys talkin about? :huh: That's one lucky fish! :wub: It's tank is bigger then my room :drool: *HEAVY SARCASM*
  22. Zeoth

    My New Barbs!

    :crazy: OMG! the light! the light! It BURNSSSSSSSSSS! AHHHHH... In a wierd way-it makes the fish look cool & interesting :good:
  23. Zeoth

    Yo-yo Loach

    I've got a small 10gal with 4 harlequin Rasboras. 2 days ago I bought a Yo-Yo Loach and added him to the tank. Anyways ever since I got him he's been hiding in a shell decor, and i haven't seen him out since. What's going on here? Tank Stats: Ph 7.3 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 20 Thanks :good:
  24. Zeoth

    Just For Fun: What's The Wierdest Deco You've Seen Or

    LOL, I've seen ugly plastic hippos spurting bubbles out of it's nostrils :crazy:
  25. Zeoth

    What's The Most You've Seen A Fish For Sale For In A Lfs?

    $2000CND Arowana. Most I've ever spent on a fish is $5 bucks (Bolivian Ram)
  26. Zeoth

    Praise Post.

    Same goes for me :D :good: And William too for adding this cool new look to TFF. Thank you :flowers:
  27. Zeoth

    Gold Mystery Snails

    I thought a snail could reproduce by itself as they have both male and female reproductive organs :huh:
  28. Zeoth


    Females have a rounded anal fin while males have a sharp tube-like anal fin.
  29. Zeoth

    75 Gallon Redone - My Saga

    Oh... ok, sorry, now I understand . And that full shot of the tank, can't wait too see it! :) Post it soon...
  30. Zeoth

    75 Gallon Redone - My Saga

    Wow spectactular pictures, and those barbs look pretty nice. :good: It will be cool if u post a pic of the full tank-if you know what I mean ;) EDIT: But arn't Barbs tropical?, and prefer a acidic ph as compaired to a baisic Ph.? :huh: I believe so.... :unsure:
  31. Zeoth

    10 Gallon Stocking Help

    Check out this thread for stocking a ten gallon. I have found it really usefull. It discusess a variety of different fish that can be put into a ten gallon. Enjoy ;)
  32. Zeoth


    You gotta wait. Some times it takes up to two months to finish cycling. :o Hmmm.... a large water change could/might get rid of the nitrites. I don't see any harm in doing a water change. Carefull there, remember Nitrates are your friends, :flowers: it's the Nitrites who are your enemies...
  33. Zeoth

    Scared Fish

    Maybe they get startled. ^_^ IF you were the FISH: You know, one day your just swimming around, and oh... here comes my owner in plain view here to feed me. But the next day your swimmin around and you take a glance at the room...hmm nothing out of the ordinariy..-oh! wait! :oh: OMG theres a...
  34. Zeoth

    What's Wrong With People

    Some people are just careless. When these things happen it reminds me of (ok I don't mean to do any stereotyping) but it reminds me of a bald fat guy who is wearing a very small t-shirt that bearly covers his chest and has a can of beer in his hands while pouring a barrel of toxic goo into a...
  35. Zeoth

    Debate! Neon Or Cardinal Tetras?

    Cardinals for me man. They are a bit more hardier then neons and look better too :P
  36. Zeoth

    'dime' Fish Information

    Couldn't have put it better myself :good:
  37. Zeoth

    What's Wrong With People

    Ok that's just nasty :lol:
  38. Zeoth

    Smelly Aquarium Water

    Yeah... I think you've got some ammonia in there. That ammonia...boy it reaks :sick:
  39. Zeoth

    Omg A Powerstation 3

    No seriously though; have you checked out the link? :rolleyes: A fake next-gen console loaded with NES games.
  40. Zeoth

    Omg A Powerstation 3

    Omg a Powerstation 3 and X-game 360 for $25! OMG OMG OMG!!! :shout: :drool: :shout: :drool: :shout: :drool: :shout: :drool: :shout: :drool: :shout: