At Last My Fish Can Talk Back To Me!

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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just got myself a talking catfish, now I won't feel so daft when i talk to them :lol:

just rang my fella at work so he could talk down the phone at him....... i'm so clever, he works on a building site, couldn't hear a bloody thing :lol: numpty!
so err how do you mean talk to a fish coz i can i often find myself deep in a conversation with a blackmorr lol.
so err how do you mean talk to a fish coz i can i often find myself deep in a conversation with a blackmorr lol.

There are several species of catfish that make a croaking sound, hence the common name, talking catfish.
I remember keeping one of those, it was a striped Raphael I think. His name was Snag, cuz the first time I caught him with a nylon fish net he got stuck to it :crazy: . He was about 5" long at the time and wasn't very cooperative, he was talking and wiggling the whole time, he even managed to give me a pretty good cut on my finger. I learned my lesson that day and used a cup the next time :lol: .

This is like one of those threads that go along the lines of:

You know you are addicted to fish when....
... You phone your other half at work so they can talk to them.....

Hello wiggle... long time no speak (well write) - wasn't here for a while.. anyway... talking catfish:

I had a spotted one for ages.. used to hide all the time.

Although, he was a bit like a 3 year old kid who would hide his head and think that if he can't see you, then you can't see him. He would also creak nicely if ever you had to net him...

Heres a few picks. One hiding in his wood, and two in a bucket..





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