Gold Mystery Snails


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2007
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Niagara Falls, New York
I have 2 Gold Mystery Snails. One is in my main tank and the other is in my Fry Tank. I think I remember reading somewhere on here that snails will mate and I will have a bunch of them. I want to put them in that same tank together but I dont know if I want to have a ton of baby snails. Although the snails my be easier to get rid of to people than all the fry. Does anyone know how I can sex the snails so i know if i will have babies if i put them together?

Thank You
Some times the best way is to look if the snail has something that looks like a tentacle coming out of their shell and waving it around is the snails penis and thus is a male.

As for clutches mystery snails lay eggs above water, so either dry them out, freeze them, to destroy the eggs.
Thanks for the replies. I put them in the same tank together the day after I posted this. So far no eggs. I dont see anything comming out of thier shells. I will let you know if i find eggs
I thought a snail could reproduce by itself as they have both male and female reproductive organs :huh:
depends some are hermaphroditic, meaning they have both sex organs but still need a mate, but this makes things easier because both already have both sex organs.

Then some are asexual and fertilize their own eggs and reproduce themselves.

Then you have sexually disinguished snails like mystery snails that need a male and female for fertalization to occur.

I think there might be more typs but thats all i got.

If any of the above is incorrect you science guys, correct it.


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