Scared Fish


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2007
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My 3 platys are so weird.

Sometimes they are fine, and i can go right up to the tank, and they even follow my finger along the glass.
But sometimes when i walk into the room (not fast, sometimes i even crawl in) they zoom around the tank, banging off everything until they find somewhere to hide.

No-one else is in the room but me and i dont do anything to scare them (im over protective actually)

Why are they like this? They have been in the tank for 2 weeks, and i was hand feeding them, playing games by getting them to follow my hand, and everything. But i just walked in and they started doing the stupid zooming+hiding thing.

I dont think it is due to sudden movements, because the smaller red platy didnt see me walk in, he only noticed after the other 2 hid, and they he freaked out.

Any ideas?
Maybe they get startled. ^_^

IF you were the FISH:
You know, one day your just swimming around, and oh... here comes my owner in plain view here to feed me. But the next day your swimmin around and you take a glance at the room...hmm nothing out of the ordinariy..-oh! wait! :oh: OMG theres a pair of eyes staring at me from the floor(you did say crawling) Omg swim swim as fast as you can my fellow platies.

you know what I mean. Sometimes it happens to me too when im just sitting there minding my own business thinking i'm all alone and the next thing I know theres my brother standing right behind my shoulder. it just freaks me out. :look:

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